Anna M. Borghi -

1) Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Dynamic and Clinical Psychology, Via dei Marsi 78, Room 408, 00185 Rome - phone +39-06-49917751

2) ISTC-CNR, Via San Martino della Battaglia 44 - 00185 Rome - phone: +39-06-44596279

Email: anna.borghi at


PROFILE: Anna M. Borghi received a Master degree in Philosophy and a PhD in Psychology (1997) from the University of Bologna. She is associate professor in Psychology at SAPIENZA UNIVERSITY OF ROME. Before coming to Sapienza, she held a faculty position at the University of Bologna. Since 2001 she is also research associate at ISTC-CNR (Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, Italian National Research Council), Rome.

RESEARCH: Anna's research addresses the relationship between the OBJECTS, ACTION, AND LANGUAGE from an EMBODIED AND GROUNDED COGNITION perspective.To know more about her research, click here: research interests. LINK to the Body Action Language (BALLAB) lab

PUBLICATIONS: publications - editorial activity - organization - google scholar profile
COURSES: teaching - materials for students
COLLABORATORS: - collaborators, former students and post-docs
AFFILIATIONS AND FUNDING: affiliations and coordinated projects (Rossi EU project)
OTHER LINKS: personal links


   Last updated: September 2, 2020