verbi nomi verbs nouns
calpestare aiuola to keep off flower-bed
potare aiuola to prune flower-bed
annodare corda to knot rope
saltare corda to jump rope
calpestare erba to keep off grass
strappare erba to rip grass
cogliere fiore to pick flower
pestare fiore to crush flower
scavare fosso to dig ditch
saltare fosso to jump ditch
tirare freno to pull brake
premere freno to press brake
pestare margherita to stomp daisy
piantare margherita to plant daisy
calciare palla to kick ball
lanciare palla to throw ball
calzare scarpa to put on shoe
allacciare scarpa to tie shoe
pestare sigaretta to crush sigarette
accendere sigaretta to light sigarette
pigiare uva to press grapes
raccogliere uva to pick grapes
tirare zoccolo to throw socket
calzare zoccolo to wear socket