verbi nomi verbs nouns
cogliere albicocca to pick apricot
mordicchiare albicocca to bite apricot
assaporare bevanda to taste drink
versare bevanda to pour drink
masticare bistecca to chew steak
tagliare bistecca to cut steak
succhiare caramella to suck sweet
scartare caramella to unwrap sweet
rompere cioccolata to break chocolate
gustare cioccolata to taste chocolate
porgere gelato to hand ice-cream
leccare gelato to lick ice-cream
spezzare grissino to break breadstick
mangiucchiare grissino to nibble breadstick
mordere mela to bite apple
pelare mela to peal apple
sgranocchiare nocciola to munch hazelnut
cogliere nocciola to pick hazelnut
affettare pane to slice bread
sbocconcellare pane to nibble bread
mescolare pasta to mix pasta
assaggiare pasta to taste pasta
inghiottire pillola to swallow pill
afferrare pillola to grasp pill
preparare spremuta to prepare juice
sorseggiare spremuta to sip juice
divorare torta to devour cake
dividere torta to divide cake