BDA 2015

A poster with the latest results from the DICE project has been presented at the 3rd Workshop on Biological Distributed Algorithms (BDA 2015) held at the MIT on August the 18th-19th.

This has been a very exciting event, with people from different disciplines coming together to discuss the basis and biological foundations of distributed information processing. Despite the small size of the event, the quality of the presentation was very high, and the discussion very lively. Remarkable keynotes from Deborah Gordon, Jennifer Fewell, Simon Garnier, Nir Shavit, Pankaj Mehta and Spring Berman, among others.

During the poster session, Vito Trianni presented the design pattern methodology developed within the DICE project. Great feedback from the various participant, which will hopefully lead to fruitful collaborations in the near future.The poster is available here for download.