Evolving non-trivial behavior on autonomous robots: Adaptation is more powerful than decomposition and integration Stefano Nolfi Institute of Psychology, National Research Council 15, Viale Marx - 00187 - Rome - Italy voice: ++39-6-86090231 fax:++39-6-824737 e-mail: stefano@kant.irmkant.rm.cnr.it http://kant.irmkant.rm.cnr.it/nolfi.html A new way of building control systems, known as behavior based robotics, has recently been proposed to overcome the difficulties of the traditional AI approach to robotics. This new approach is based upon the idea of providing the robot with a range of simple behaviors and letting the environment determine which behavior should have control at any given time. In this talk we claim that the decomposition and integration process should be the result of an adaptation process and not of the decision of an experimenter. To support this hypothesis we show how in the case of a simple task in which a real autonomous robot is supposed to classify objects of different shapes, by letting the entire behavior emerge through an evolutionary technique, a more simple and robust solution can be obtained than by trying to design a set of modules and to integrate them. Moreover, we will present a second experiment in which neural networks with different architectures have been trained to control a mobile robot designed to keep an arena clear by picking-up trash objects and releasing them outside the arena. We will compare, in simulation and on a real robot, five different network architectures and will show that a network which allows for fine-grained modularity achieves significantly better performance. By comparing the functionality of each network module and its interaction with a description of the simple behavior components, we will show that it is not possible to find simple correlations; rather, module switching and interaction is correlated with low-level sensory-motor mappings.