Wafa Johal

Wafa Johal is a Research Scientist at EPFL within the Computer-Human Interaction for Learning and Instriction Lab and the Mobile Robots Group. She obtained her PhD in Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences in Fall 2015 from the Uniervsity of Grenoble Alps in which she worked on Cognitive Resoning for Human-Robot Interaction. At EPFL, Dr. Johal is in charge of the Cellulo project, tangible swarm for education, and the CoWriter Project.

Tangible Human-Swarm Interaction for Education

The Cellulo robots made at EPFL are tangible robots that are designed for education. They allow haptic feedback and permit the learners to manipulate abstract concepts. The focus of our work is to design the interaction in order to render these concepts to the learners. The robots localize themselves thanks to a dot pattern printed on paper with a submillimiter accuracy. They are connected to a central device that does the heavy computation and send position and speed instructions. I will present our developer framework and several education applications that were tested in various schools since 3 years.

Credit: Wafa Johal and Ayberk Ozgur