Ira B. Schwartz

Trained and educated as both a mathematician and physicist, Dr. Schwartz and his collaborators, post doctoral fellows and students have impacted a diverse array of applications in the field of nonlinear science. Dr. Schwartz has over 120 refereed publications in areas such as physics, mathematics, biology and chemistry. The main underlying theme in the applications field has been the mathematical and numerical techniques of nonlinear dynamics and chaos, and most recently, nonlinear stochastic analysis and control of cooperative and networked dynamical systems. Dr. Schwartz has been written up several times in Science and Scientific American magazines, has given invited and plenary talks at international applied mathematics, physics, and engineering conferences, and he is one of the founding organizers of the biennial SIAM conference on Dynamical Systems. Several of his discoveries developed in nonlinear science are currently patented, including collaborative robots, synchronized coupled lasers, and chaos tracking and control for which he was awarded the US Navy Tech Transfer award. Dr. Schwartz is an elected fellow of the American Physical Society and the current vice-chair of the SIAM Dynamical Systems Group.

Emergent Pattern Forming Swarms and the Physics of Mixed-Reality

Swarming behavior continues to be a subject of immense interest because of its centrality in many naturally occurring systems in physics and biology, as well as its importance in engineering applications such as robotics. Here we examine the effects on coherent swarm pattern formation from aspects of communication, such as latency effects, link topology and environmental uncertainty.
With the availability of ever more cheap and powerful computing, interest in the use of mixed-reality and swarm experiments has grown considerably in the biological, engineering and physical sciences. Broadly speaking, these experiments consist of a simulated, or virtual model coupled directly to a physical experiment. Within the physical experiment, it is typical to find a good deal of uncertainty and noise since it is connected to the real world, and thus subjected to random perturbations. In contrast, the virtual part of the coupled system represents a somewhat idealized version of reality in which noise can be eliminated entirely. Thus, mixed-reality systems have very skewed sources of uncertainty spread through the entire system.
In this talk, we consider the pattern formation of delay - coupled swarms theoretically and experimentally to illustrate the idea of mixed-reality. Motivated by physical experiments, we then consider a model of a mixed-reality system, and show how noise in the physical part of the system can influence the virtual dynamics through a large fluctuation, even when there is no noise in the virtual components. We quantify the effects of uncertainty by showing how characteristic times of noise induced switching between swarm patterns scale as a function of the coupling between the real and virtual parts of the experiment. This work is done in collaboration with Klimka Szwaykowska, Thomas Carr, and Jason Hindes.