40 SignedRangeGenotype::SignedRangeGenotype( unsigned int numGenes, double max, unsigned int bitPrec )
114 Descriptor d = addTypeDescription( type, "SignedRangeGenotype encode a vector of real values, each value correspond to a gene" );
115 d.describeInt( "ngenes" ).limits( 1, INT_MAX ).def( 8 ).props( IsMandatory ).help( "The number of real values represented by the Genotype" );
116 d.describeInt( "nbits" ).limits( 4, 32 ).def( 16 ).help( "The number of bits used to encode one real value", "The SignedRangeGenotype encode the real value in a discrete way inside a boundary; Supposing nbits is 4, then 4 bits are used to encode a real value where the first bit represent the sign, and the other three represents the number of discretization of the interval from -maxValue to +maxValue. In this way, the representation of zero is always present and has two encoding: 0000 (-0) and 1000 (+0)" );
117 d.describeReal( "maxValue" ).def( 5.0 ).help( "The absolute maximum value representable. Look at the help of nbits for details" );
118 d.describeReal( "fitness" ).props( IsList ).help( "The fitness of the Genotype", "The fitness of a Genotype support multi objective fitness; if you specify a vector of values they are considered different objectives of the fitness" );
119 d.describeString( "data" ).help( "The bits composing the Genotype stored in a compressed string" );
120 d.describeReal( "rank" ).help( "The rank indicate who is more fitted that others and how much; the values are dependent on the kind of GeneticAlgo used" );