33 StefanoSteadyStateGA::StefanoSteadyStateGA() :
57 setNumGenerations( ConfigurationHelper::getInt( params, prefix + QString( "ngenerations" ), 1000 ) );
62 params.createParameter( prefix, QString("ngenerations"), QString("%1").arg( numGenerations() ) );
72 Descriptor d = addTypeDescription( type, "A variant of Steady State Genetic Algorithm developed by Stefano Nolfi" );
73 d.describeInt( "numThreads" ).limits( 1, 32 ).help( "Number of threads to parallelize the evaluation of individuals" );
74 d.describeInt( "ngenerations" ).limits( 1, MaxInteger ).def( 1000 ).help( "Number of the generations of the evolutionary process" );
75 d.describeSubgroup( "EVALUATION" ).type( "Evaluation" ).props( IsMandatory ).help( "Object that calculate the fitness", "Create a subclass of Evalution and code your custom fitness function" );
76 d.describeSubgroup( "MUTATION").type( "Mutation" ).props( IsMandatory ).help( "Object that mutate the genotype of an individual" );
77 d.describeSubgroup( "GENOME" ).type( "Genome" ).props( IsMandatory ).help( "Object containing the individuals under evolution" );
148 fitfunc->genotype()->setRank(cumulatedFitness[curGenotype] / double(numEvaluations[curGenotype]));