Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 oCBackPropagationAlgoBack-Propagation Algorithm implementation
 oCBiasedClusterIn a BiasedCluster each neuron has an input, an output and a bias value
 oCClusterDefine the common interface among Clusters
 oCClusterFromOrToMissingThrown when a user attempt to create a Linker without specify the "from" or "to"
 oCClusterStateVectorNotPresentThrown when a user attempt to get a delegate for a state vector that does not exists
 oCCompositeFunctionComposite Function !!
 oCCopyLinkerCopyLinker Class
 oCDDEClusterDDECluster Class
 oCDotLinkerDotLinker Class
 oCDoubleMatrixDoubleMatrix Class This represent a 2D matrix of double values
 oCdoubleRefDoubleRef Class
 oCDoubleVectorDoubleVector Class
 oCFakeClusterFakeCluster Class
 oCFakeSigmoidFunctionFake Sigmoid Function !! Is a linear approximation of sigmoid function
 oCIncompatibleMatricesThrown when a user attempt to do calculations with incompatible DoubleMatrix
 oCIncompatibleVectorsThrown when a user attempt to do calculations with incompatible DoubleVectors
 oCLeakyIntegratorFunctionLeakyIntegrator Function !!
 oCLearningAlgorithmLearningAlgorithm object
 oCLinearComboFunctionLinear Combination of Two Function !!
 oCLinearFunctionLinear equation Function Implements a linear equation y = m*x + b
 oCLinkerAbstract Linker Class
 oCLogLikeFunctionLogLike Function !!
 oCMatrixAssignmentNotAllowedThrown when a user attempt to call the operator= on a DoubleMatrix with isinternal flag on
 oCMatrixLinkerMatrixLinker Class define a full connection between two cluster
 oCMatrixResizeNotAllowedThrown when a user attempt to resize a DoubleMatrix with isinternal flag on
 oCNeuralNetThe Neural Network Class
 oCNormLinkerNormLinker Class
 oCOutputFunctionOutputFunction Class
 oCOutputFunctionSetClusterExceptionThrown when a user attempt to call setCluster on an OutputFunction already inserted into a Cluster
 oCOutsideMatrixBoundariesThrown when a user attempt to access outside boundary of a DoubleMatrix
 oCOutsideVectorBoundariesThrown when a user attempt to access outside boundary of a DoubleVector
 oCPatternPattern object
 oCRampFunctionRamp Function
 oCScaledSigmoidFunctionScaledSigmoid Function
 oCSigmoidFunctionSigmoid Function
 oCSimpleClusterSimpleCluster Class
 oCStepFunctionStep Function
 oCUpdatableUpdatables objects
 oCVectorAssignmentNotAllowedThrown when a user attempt to call the operator= on a DoubleVector with isinternal flag on
 oCVectorResizeNotAllowedThrown when a user attempt to resize a DoubleVector with isinternal flag on