File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 |o*algebra.hThis file contains algebra stuff
 |o*biasedcluster.hThis file contains the declaration of BiasedCluster class
 |o*cluster.hThis file contains the declarations of the Cluster class
 |o*libcompetitivefunctions.hLibrary of Competitive OutputFunction
 |o*liboutputfunctions.hLibrary of Common OutputFunction
 |o*libperiodicfunctions.hLibrary of Periodic OutputFunction
 |o*libradialfunctions.hLibrary of Radial OutputFunction
 |o*linker.hThis file contains the declaration of the linkers implemented
 |o*matrices.hThis file contains definitions of Matrices used for algebra
 |o*neuralnet.hThis file contains the declaration of Neural Network Class
 |o*nnfwconfig.hThis file contains the common type defitions used on the whole framework
 |o*nnfwexceptions.hThis file contains all exceptions thrown by nnfw classes
 |o*outputfunction.hThis file contains the declaration of the abstract OutputFunction Class
 |\*vectors.hThis file contains definitions of Vectors used for algebra