wVectorT< Shared > Member List

This is the complete list of members for wVectorT< Shared >, including all inherited members.

compProduct(const wVectorT< OtherShared > &A) const wVectorT< Shared >inline
data (defined in InternalData< Shared >)InternalData< Shared >protected
distance(const wVectorT< SharedA > &A, const wVectorT< SharedB > &B)wVectorT< Shared >inlinestatic
norm() const wVectorT< Shared >inline
normalize()wVectorT< Shared >inline
operator qglviewer::Vec() const wVectorT< Shared >inline
operator%(const wVectorT< OtherShared > &A) const wVectorT< Shared >inline
operator*(const wVectorT< OtherShared > &B) const wVectorT< Shared >inline
operator+() const wVectorT< Shared >inline
operator+(const wVectorT< OtherShared > &A) const wVectorT< Shared >inline
operator+=(const wVectorT< OtherShared > &A)wVectorT< Shared >inline
operator-() const wVectorT< Shared >inline
operator-(const wVectorT< OtherShared > &A) const wVectorT< Shared >inline
operator-=(const wVectorT< OtherShared > &A)wVectorT< Shared >inline
operator=(const wVectorT &A)wVectorT< Shared >inline
operator=(const wVectorT< OtherShared > &A)wVectorT< Shared >inline
operator==(const wVectorT< OtherShared > &A) const wVectorT< Shared >inline
operator[](int i)wVectorT< Shared >inline
operator[](int i) const wVectorT< Shared >inline
rotateAround(wVectorT< false > axis, real theta)wVectorT< Shared >inline
scale(real s) const wVectorT< Shared >inline
w (defined in wVectorT< Shared >)wVectorT< Shared >
wVectorT()wVectorT< Shared >
wVectorT(const wVectorT< OtherShared > &)wVectorT< Shared >
wVectorT(const wVectorT &)wVectorT< Shared >
wVectorT(const real *ptr)wVectorT< Shared >
wVectorT(real *ptr)wVectorT< Shared >inline
wVectorT(real x, real y, real z, real w=1.0)wVectorT< Shared >
wVectorT() (defined in wVectorT< Shared >)wVectorT< Shared >inline
wVectorT(const wVectorT< OtherShared > &src) (defined in wVectorT< Shared >)wVectorT< Shared >inline
wVectorT(const wVectorT< false > &src) (defined in wVectorT< Shared >)wVectorT< Shared >inline
wVectorT(const real *ptr) (defined in wVectorT< Shared >)wVectorT< Shared >inline
wVectorT(real *ptr) (defined in wVectorT< Shared >)wVectorT< Shared >inline
wVectorT(real _x, real _y, real _z, real _w) (defined in wVectorT< Shared >)wVectorT< Shared >inline
x (defined in wVectorT< Shared >)wVectorT< Shared >
X()wVectorT< Shared >inlinestatic
Y()wVectorT< Shared >inlinestatic
y (defined in wVectorT< Shared >)wVectorT< Shared >
Z()wVectorT< Shared >inlinestatic
z (defined in wVectorT< Shared >)wVectorT< Shared >