Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
farsa | |
__SingleIR_internal | |
previous | |
CircularGraphicalMarker | A graphical object displaying a circle |
Contact | Contact class |
DOFStatusListener | A class listening to joint status modifications |
FakeDriverCreator | FakeDriverCreator class |
GraphicalWObject | An helper class to draw stuffs in the world |
GraphicalWObjectRenderer | |
InternalData | Internal data for wVectorT |
InternalData< true > | Internal data for wVectorT |
IRSensorController | The base abstract class of sensor controllers for infrared sensors |
KinematicLimb | The class modelling an iCub limb |
KinematicLinkInfo | The class modelling a link in the Kinematic Chain |
MarXbotAttachmentDeviceMotorController | The class modelling the motor for the attachment device of the MarXbot |
MaterialDB | MaterialDB class managea the material properties |
MotorController | MotorController Class |
MS3DHeader | |
MS3DMaterial | |
MS3DTriangle | |
MS3DVertex | |
MultiMotorController | MultiMotorController class |
MyCameraConstraint | |
Ownable | The base for all class that can have (and can be) an owner |
PhyBallAndSocket | PhyBallAndSocket class |
PhyBox | PhyBox class |
PhyCompoundObject | PhyCompoundObject class |
PhyCone | PhyCone class |
PhyCylinder | PhyCylinder class |
PhyDOF | PhyDOF class |
PhyEpuck | The class modelling an e-puck robot |
PhyFixed | PhyFixed class |
PhyHinge | PhyHinge class |
PhyiCub | ICub class \ |
PhyJoint | PhyJoint class |
PhyKhepera | The class modelling a kephera II robot |
PhyMarXbot | The MarXbot robot |
PhyObject | PhyObject class |
PhyObjectsGroup | A group of pysical objects (and the joints among them) on which it is possible to act as if they were a single WObject |
PhySphere | PhySphere class |
PhySuspension | PhySuspension class PhySuspension is a joint implementing the system of springs, shock absorbers and linkages that connects a vehicle to a wheel and allows relative motion between the two |
PhyUniversal | PhyUniversal class |
PlanarArrowGraphicalMarker | A graphical object displaying a planar arrow |
RayCastHit | Raycast intersection class |
RenderCamera | RenderCamera class |
RenderCompoundObject | |
RenderGenericObject | This file contains the implementation of some RenderWObject for drawing object and also the initialization of RenderWorld's factory for retrieving them |
RenderPhyBox | |
RenderPhyCone | |
RenderPhyCylinder | The class rendering a PhyCylinder |
RenderPhySphere | |
RenderWCamera | |
RenderWMesh | |
RenderWObject | RenderWObject class |
RenderWObjectContainer | RenderWObjectContainer class |
RenderWorld | RenderWorld class |
SensorController | The base abstract class for sensor controllers |
ServerWorldController | ServerWorldController class |
SimpleControl | SimpleControl class |
SimulatedIRGroundSensorController | A collection of SingleIR modelling ground sensors |
SimulatedIRProximitySensorController | A collection of SingleIR |
SingleIR | A single proximity IR sensor |
StandardCamera | |
TractionSensorController | The controller for traction sensor |
WAbstractCreator | Abstract Creator of RenderWObject objects |
WCamera | WCamera class |
WCreator | Template facility to create WAbstractCreator specialization |
WheelMotorController | Dedicated controller for wheeled robots |
wMatrix | WMatrix class |
WMesh | WMesh class |
WObject | World's Object class |
World | World class |
WorldController | WorldController class |
wPID | WPID class |
wQuaternion | WQuaternion class |
wVectorT | WVector class |
YarpObject | YarpObject class |
qglviewer | |
AxisPlaneConstraint | An abstract class for Frame Constraints defined by an axis or a plane |
Camera | A perspective or orthographic camera |
CameraConstraint | An AxisPlaneConstraint defined in the camera coordinate system |
Constraint | An interface class for Frame constraints |
Frame | Coordinate system, defined by a position and an orientation |
KeyFrameInterpolator | A keyFrame Catmull-Rom Frame interpolator |
LocalConstraint | An AxisPlaneConstraint defined in the Frame local coordinate system |
ManipulatedCameraFrame | ManipulatedFrame with Camera specific mouse bindings |
ManipulatedFrame | A ManipulatedFrame is a Frame that can be rotated and translated using the mouse |
MouseGrabber | Abstract class for objects that grab mouse focus in a QGLViewer |
Quaternion | 3D rotations and orientations |
Vec | 3D positions and 3D vectors |
WorldConstraint | An AxisPlaneConstraint defined in the world coordinate system |
DomUtils | |
iCubArm | |
iCubEye | |
iCubLeg | |
ProgressDialog | |
QGLViewer | A versatile 3D OpenGL viewer based on QGLWidget |