iCub class \ More...

Inheritance diagram for PhyiCub:

Public Types

enum  {
  torso_yaw =0, torso_roll, torso_pitch, left_shoulder_pitch,
  left_shoulder_roll, left_shoulder_yaw, left_elbow, left_wrist_prosup,
  left_wrist_pitch, left_wrist_yaw, left_hand_finger, left_thumb_oppose,
  left_thumb_proximal, left_thumb_distal, left_index_proximal, left_index_distal,
  left_middle_proximal, left_middle_distal, left_pinky, right_shoulder_pitch,
  right_shoulder_roll, right_shoulder_yaw, right_elbow, right_wrist_prosup,
  right_wrist_pitch, right_wrist_yaw, right_hand_finger, right_thumb_oppose,
  right_thumb_proximal, right_thumb_distal, right_index_proximal, right_index_distal,
  right_middle_proximal, right_middle_distal, right_pinky, neck_pitch,
  neck_roll, neck_yaw, eyes_tilt, eyes_version,
  eyes_vergence, left_hip_pitch, left_hip_roll, left_hip_yaw,
  left_knee, left_ankle_pitch, left_ankle_roll, right_hip_pitch,
  right_hip_roll, right_hip_yaw, right_knee, right_ankle_pitch,
  right_ankle_roll, numOfJoints
 Enum for referring to the iCub's joints for configurePosture. More...

Public Slots

void blockTorso0 (bool)
 block/unblock the movements of torso0
void enableCameras (bool)
 enable/disable simuation of eye cameras
void enableHead (bool)
 enable/disable simulation of objects
void enableLeftArm (bool)
 enable/disable simulation of objects
void enableLeftArmCartesianController ()
 create/destroy a cartesian controller server
void enableLeftKinematicHand (bool)
 enable/disable simulation of the left hand in kinematic simulations (enabled by default)
void enableLeftLeg (bool)
 enable/disable simulation of objects
void enableRightArm (bool)
 enable/disable simulation of objects
void enableRightArmCartesianController ()
 create/destroy a cartesian controller server
void enableRightKinematicHand (bool)
 enable/disable simulation of the right hand in kinematic simulations (enabled by default)
void enableRightLeg (bool)
 enable/disable simulation of objects
void enableTorso (bool)
 enable/disable simulation of objects
bool isBlockedTorso0 ()
bool isEnabledCameras ()
bool isEnabledHead ()
bool isEnabledLeftArm ()
bool isEnabledLeftKinematicHand ()
bool isEnabledLeftLeg ()
bool isEnabledRightArm ()
bool isEnabledRightKinematicHand ()
bool isEnabledRightLeg ()
bool isEnabledTorso ()

Public Member Functions

 PhyiCub (World *world, QString name, const wMatrix &tm=wMatrix::identity(), bool createServerControlBoards=true)
 Create an iCub.
virtual ~PhyiCub ()
 Destroy the iCub.
void configurePosture (QMap< int, real > jointSetup)
 Configure the angles of the joints (this method by-pass physics, so can lead to instability, please use carefully.
const QVector< WMesh * > & covers ()
 Return the Meshes representing the Covers.
void doKinematicSimulation (bool k, bool clh=false, bool crh=false)
 Changes the robot model from dynamic to kinematic and vice-versa.
void forceKinematicChainsUpdate (bool enable)
 Set to true to have all kinematic chains updated no matter if they are enabled or not This is set to true by the rendered to be able to render disabled objects.
const QVector< PhyObject * > & headNeck ()
 return the head-neck parts
MultiMotorControllerheadNeckController ()
 return the MultiMotorController for acting on head-neck joints
const QVector< PhyJoint * > & headNeckJoints ()
 return the head-neck joints
bool isKinematic ()
 Returns true if we are using the kinematic model.
const QVector< PhyObject * > & leftArm ()
 return the left arm parts
yarp::dev::ICartesianControl * leftArmCartesianController ()
 return the Cartesian Controller Interface for acting on Left Arm
MultiMotorControllerleftArmController ()
 return the MultiMotorController for acting on left arm joints
const QVector< PhyJoint * > & leftArmJoints ()
 return the left arm joints inside the array the joints are arranged as follow: 0, 1, 2 -> joints on shoulder 3 -> elbow joint 4, 5, 6 -> wrist joints 7, 8, 9, 10 -> knuckles joints 11, 12, 13 -> index joints 14, 15, 16 -> middle joints 17, 18, 19 -> ring joints 20, 21, 22 -> pinky joints 23, 24, 25, 26 -> thumb joints
yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberImage * leftEyeFrameGrabber ()
 returns the frame grabber for the left eye
const QVector< PhyObject * > & leftLeg ()
 return the left leg parts
MultiMotorControllerleftLegController ()
 return the MultiMotorController for acting on left leg joints
const QVector< PhyJoint * > & leftLegJoints ()
 return the left leg joints
virtual void postUpdate ()
 postUpdate the WObject this method is called at each step of the world just after the physic update
virtual void preUpdate ()
 preUpdate the WObject this method is called at each step of the world just before the physic update (after motor controllers have been updated
const QVector< PhyObject * > & rightArm ()
 return the rigth arm parts
yarp::dev::ICartesianControl * rightArmCartesianController ()
 return the Cartesian Controller Interface for acting on Right Arm
MultiMotorControllerrightArmController ()
 return the MultiMotorController for acting on right arm joints
const QVector< PhyJoint * > & rightArmJoints ()
 return the rigth arm joints inside the array the joints are arranged as follow: 0, 1, 2 -> joints on shoulder 3 -> elbow joint 4, 5, 6 -> wrist joints 7, 8, 9, 10 -> knuckles joints 11, 12, 13 -> index joints 14, 15, 16 -> middle joints 17, 18, 19 -> ring joints 20, 21, 22 -> pinky joints 23, 24, 25, 26 -> thumb joints
yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberImage * rightEyeFrameGrabber ()
 returns the frame grabber for the right eye
const QVector< PhyObject * > & rightLeg ()
 return the rigth leg parts
MultiMotorControllerrightLegController ()
 return the MultiMotorController for acting on right leg joints
const QVector< PhyJoint * > & rightLegJoints ()
 return the rigth leg joints
const QVector< PhyObject * > & torso ()
 return the torso parts
MultiMotorControllertorsoController ()
 return the MultiMotorController for acting on torso joints
const QVector< PhyJoint * > & torsoJoints ()
 return the torso joints
- Public Member Functions inherited from YarpObject
 YarpObject (World *world, QString name, const wMatrix &tm=wMatrix::identity())
 Create a YarpObject; The name is mandatory because it is used as root name for each devices of this object.
virtual ~YarpObject ()
 Destroy the YarpObject.
yarp::dev::PolyDriver * polydriver (QString name)
 return the PolyDriver with the given name associated to it
- Public Member Functions inherited from WObject
 WObject (World *world, QString name="unamed", const wMatrix &tm=wMatrix::identity(), bool addToWorld=true)
 create the object and automatically put this into the world
virtual ~WObject ()
 destroy the Object and drop it from the world
QColor color () const
 return the color of this object
bool isInvisible ()
 return if it is invisible
const wMatrixmatrix () const
 return a reference to the transformation matrix
QString name () const
 Return the name of this object.
void setAlpha (int alpha)
 set the value of alpha channel (the transparency)
void setColor (QColor c)
 Set the color to use on rendering.
void setInvisible (bool b)
 set invisibility
void setMatrix (const wMatrix &newm)
 set a new matrix
void setPosition (const wVector &newpos)
 set the position specified in global coordinate frame
void setPosition (real x, real y, real z)
 set the position specified in global coordinate frame
void setTexture (QString textureName)
 Set the texture to use for this WObject when rendered.
void setUseColorTextureOfOwner (bool b)
 set if the object will be rendered with the color and texture of our owner (if we have one)
QString texture () const
 Return the texture name.
bool useColorTextureOfOwner () const
 if true, we will use color and texture of our owner (if we have one)
Worldworld ()
 Return the world.
const Worldworld () const
 Return the world (const version)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ownable
 Ownable ()
virtual ~Ownable ()
const QList< Owned > & owned () const
 Returns the list of objects owned by this one.
Ownableowner () const
 Returns the owner of this object.
void setOwner (Ownable *owner, bool destroy=true)
 Sets the owner of this object.

Public Attributes

enum farsa::PhyiCub:: { ... }  jointNames

Protected Slots

void leftEyeChangedDesiredPosition (real wishpos)
 Configures the virtual DOF after a change in the desired position of the left eye DOF.
void leftEyeChangedDesiredVelocity (real wishvel)
 Configures the virtual DOF after a change in the desired velocity of the left eye DOF.
void leftEyeChangedLimits (real lowlimit, real highlimit)
 Configures the virtual DOF after a change in the limits of the left eye DOF.
void leftEyeChangedPosition (real newpos)
 Configures the virtual DOF after a change in the position of the left eye DOF.
void leftEyeChangedVelocity (real newvel)
 Configures the virtual DOF after a change in the velocity of the left eye DOF.
void rightEyeChangedDesiredPosition (real wishpos)
 Configures the virtual DOF after a change in the desired position of the right eye DOF.
void rightEyeChangedDesiredVelocity (real wishvel)
 Configures the virtual DOF after a change in the desired velocity of the right eye DOF.
void rightEyeChangedLimits (real lowlimit, real highlimit)
 Configures the virtual DOF after a change in the limits of the right eye DOF.
void rightEyeChangedPosition (real newpos)
 Configures the virtual DOF after a change in the position of the right eye DOF.
void rightEyeChangedVelocity (real newvel)
 Configures the virtual DOF after a change in the velocity of the right eye DOF.
void vergenceChangedDesiredPosition (real wishpos)
 Configures the real DOF after a change in the desired position of the vergence DOF.
void vergenceChangedDesiredVelocity (real wishvel)
 Configures the real DOF after a change in the desired velocity of the vergence DOF.
void vergenceChangedLimits (real lowlimit, real highlimit)
 Configures the real DOF after a change in the limits of the vergence DOF.
void vergenceChangedPosition (real newpos)
 Configures the real DOF after a change in the position of the vergence DOF.
void vergenceChangedVelocity (real newvel)
 Configures the real DOF after a change in the velocity of the vergence DOF.
void versionChangedDesiredPosition (real wishpos)
 Configures the real DOF after a change in the desired position of the version DOF.
void versionChangedDesiredVelocity (real wishvel)
 Configures the real DOF after a change in the desired velocity of the version DOF.
void versionChangedLimits (real lowlimit, real highlimit)
 Configures the real DOF after a change in the limits of the version DOF.
void versionChangedPosition (real newpos)
 Configures the real DOF after a change in the position of the version DOF.
void versionChangedVelocity (real newvel)
 Configures the real DOF after a change in the velocity of the version DOF.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void changedMatrix ()
 update the matrix of all sub-objects
void enableObjectsAndLinks (bool enable, QVector< PhyObject * > &objects, QVector< PhyJoint * > &joints)
 helper function to enable/disable a list of objects and joints
void setTorso0Matrix ()
 computes and sets the transformation matrix for torso0
- Protected Member Functions inherited from YarpObject
void registerServerControlBoard (yarp::dev::DeviceDriver *device, QString devicename)
 Add a DeviceDriver to the map of controllers
It automatically construct a ServerControlBoard, the port name for accessing the DeviceDriver will be /worldname/yarpobjectname/devicename.
void registerServerFrameGrabber (yarp::dev::DeviceDriver *device, QString devicename)
 Add a DeviceDriver to the map of controllers
It automatically construct a ServerFrameGrabber, the port name for accessing the DeviceDriver will be /worldname/yarpobjectname/devicename.
void removeServerControlBoard (QString devicename)
 Remove, and close the serverControlBoard registered and opened by above call.

Static Protected Member Functions

static real highEyeLimitFromVersionAndVergenceLimits (real versionHigh, real vergenceHigh)
 returns the eye high limit given the version and vergence high limits
static real leftEyeFromVersionAndVergence (real version, real vergence)
 returns the left eye angle/velocity given the version and vergence angles/velocities
static real lowEyeLimitFromVersionAndVergenceLimits (real versionLow, real vergenceLow)
 returns the eye low limit given the version and vergence low limits
static real rightEyeFromVersionAndVergence (real version, real vergence)
 returns the right eye angle/velocity given the version and vergence angles/velocities
static real vergenceFromRightAndLeftEye (real left, real right)
 returns the vergence angle/velocity given the left and right eye angles/velocities
static real versionFromRightAndLeftEye (real left, real right)
 returns the version angle/velocity given the left and right eye angles/velocities

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from WObject
QColor colorv
 Color, it contains also alpha channel.
bool invisible
 if TRUE it will not renderized
QString namev
 Name of the WObject.
QString texturev
 Texture name.
wMatrix tm
 Trasformation matrix.
bool usecolortextureofowner
 if true, we will use color and texture of our owner (if we have one).

Detailed Description

iCub class \

The iCub represent an iCub humanoid robot.
This version uses iKin to have a correct position of body parts and to be able to perform kinematic simulations

Definition at line 92 of file phyicub.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Enum for referring to the iCub's joints for configurePosture.

Definition at line 97 of file phyicub.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PhyiCub ( World world,
QString  name,
const wMatrix tm = wMatrix::identity(),
bool  createServerControlBoards = true 

Create an iCub.

tmspecify the position and rotation of the element torso0, in order to put foots at position <0,0,0> the tors0 has to be positioned at <-0.034, 0.0, 0.4912>
createServerControlBoardsif true it will create ServerControlBoards for controlling the robot remotely via YARP ports.

Definition at line 58 of file phyicub.cpp.

References PhyObjectsGroup::addJointDOF(), PhyObjectsGroup::addObject(), WMesh::attachTo(), KinematicLimb< iKinLimb_t >::createJoint(), MaterialDB::createMaterial(), MaterialDB::enableCollision(), KinematicLinkInfo::getAxis(), KinematicLimb< iKinLimb_t >::getLinkInfo(), KinematicLinkInfo::getRotAxis(), KinematicLinkInfo::getRotCenterWObject(), KinematicLinkInfo::getYarpMatrixAswMatrix(), wMatrix::identity(), PhyiCub::leftEyeChangedDesiredPosition(), PhyiCub::leftEyeChangedDesiredVelocity(), PhyiCub::leftEyeChangedLimits(), PhyiCub::leftEyeChangedPosition(), PhyiCub::leftEyeChangedVelocity(), WMesh::loadMS3DModel(), PhyObject::mass(), World::materials(), WObject::matrix(), farsa::max(), farsa::min(), wVectorT< Shared >::norm(), PhyJoint::numDofs(), wMatrix::pitch(), PhyCylinder::radius(), farsa::ramp(), YarpObject::registerServerControlBoard(), PhyiCub::rightEyeChangedDesiredPosition(), PhyiCub::rightEyeChangedDesiredVelocity(), PhyiCub::rightEyeChangedLimits(), PhyiCub::rightEyeChangedPosition(), PhyiCub::rightEyeChangedVelocity(), wMatrix::roll(), wMatrix::rotateAround(), wMatrix::rotateVector(), KinematicLinkInfo::setBuddies(), MultiMotorController::setEnableLimitsRaw(), MaterialDB::setGravityForce(), KinematicLinkInfo::setiKinLinkLimits(), PhyDOF::setLimits(), MultiMotorController::setLimits(), MultiMotorController::setLimitsRaw(), PhyObject::setMass(), WObject::setMatrix(), Ownable::setOwner(), WObject::setPosition(), KinematicLimb< iKinLimb_t >::setRootObject(), WObject::setTexture(), PhyiCub::setTorso0Matrix(), KinematicLinkInfo::setWObject(), KinematicLimb< iKinLimb_t >::setWorldMatrix(), PhyBox::sideX(), WObject::tm, farsa::toRad(), KinematicLimb< iKinLimb_t >::updateInformationFromiKin(), PhyiCub::vergenceChangedDesiredPosition(), PhyiCub::vergenceChangedDesiredVelocity(), PhyiCub::vergenceChangedLimits(), PhyiCub::vergenceChangedPosition(), PhyiCub::vergenceChangedVelocity(), PhyiCub::versionChangedDesiredPosition(), PhyiCub::versionChangedDesiredVelocity(), PhyiCub::versionChangedLimits(), PhyiCub::versionChangedPosition(), PhyiCub::versionChangedVelocity(), and wMatrix::yaw().

~PhyiCub ( )

Destroy the iCub.

You will not lose 250K euro if you call this destructor ;-)

Definition at line 1906 of file phyicub.cpp.

References YarpObject::removeServerControlBoard().

Member Function Documentation

void blockTorso0 ( bool  b)

block/unblock the movements of torso0

Definition at line 2615 of file phyicub.cpp.

void changedMatrix ( )

update the matrix of all sub-objects

Reimplemented from WObject.

Definition at line 2752 of file phyicub.cpp.

References PhyObjectsGroup::resetObjectPositions(), PhyiCub::setTorso0Matrix(), PhyJoint::updateJointInfo(), and KinematicLimb< iKinLimb_t >::updateMatrixFromiKin().

void configurePosture ( QMap< int, real >  jointSetup)

Configure the angles of the joints (this method by-pass physics, so can lead to instability, please use carefully.

jointSetupis a map containing the initial angle position of the joints. See the jointNames enumeration to know the joint's identifiers. Angles has to be specified in degrees
Angles passed by jointSetup aren't controlled if they respect iCub joint limits. So, pay attention on what you write inside jointSetup

Definition at line 2118 of file phyicub.cpp.

References KinematicLimb< iKinLimb_t >::getLinkInfo(), PhyiCub::leftEyeFromVersionAndVergence(), PhyDOF::position(), PhyObjectsGroup::resetObjectPositions(), PhyiCub::rightEyeFromVersionAndVergence(), PhyObjectsGroup::setDOFPosition(), KinematicLinkInfo::setLinkAngle(), MultiMotorController::stop(), farsa::toRad(), PhyJoint::updateJointInfo(), KinematicLimb< iKinLimb_t >::updateMatrixFromiKin(), and PhyObjectsGroup::updateRelativePositions().

const QVector<WMesh*>& covers ( )

Return the Meshes representing the Covers.

Definition at line 195 of file phyicub.h.

void doKinematicSimulation ( bool  k,
bool  clh = false,
bool  crh = false 

Changes the robot model from dynamic to kinematic and vice-versa.

kif true switches to the kinematic iCub model, if false to the dynamic one (at creation the model is always dynamic)
clhif true the left hand continues to collide with objects even in kinematic mode (fingers and the palm are dynamic objects)
crhif true the right hand continues to collide with objects even in kinematic mode (fingers and the palm are dynamic objects)
Switches from kinematic to dynamic use methods wimilar to those used in configurePosture, so the same warning about instability holds here

Definition at line 1983 of file phyicub.cpp.

void enableCameras ( bool  b)

enable/disable simuation of eye cameras

Definition at line 2576 of file phyicub.cpp.

References WObject::name(), and WObject::world().

void enableHead ( bool  b)

enable/disable simulation of objects

Definition at line 2564 of file phyicub.cpp.

References PhyiCub::enableObjectsAndLinks(), and MotorController::setEnabled().

void enableLeftArm ( bool  b)

enable/disable simulation of objects

Definition at line 2591 of file phyicub.cpp.

References PhyiCub::enableObjectsAndLinks(), and MotorController::setEnabled().

void enableLeftArmCartesianController ( )

create/destroy a cartesian controller server

Definition at line 2636 of file phyicub.cpp.

void enableLeftKinematicHand ( bool  b)

enable/disable simulation of the left hand in kinematic simulations (enabled by default)

Definition at line 2625 of file phyicub.cpp.

void enableLeftLeg ( bool  b)

enable/disable simulation of objects

Definition at line 2509 of file phyicub.cpp.

References PhyiCub::enableObjectsAndLinks(), and MotorController::setEnabled().

void enableObjectsAndLinks ( bool  enable,
QVector< PhyObject * > &  objects,
QVector< PhyJoint * > &  joints 

helper function to enable/disable a list of objects and joints

Definition at line 2805 of file phyicub.cpp.

Referenced by PhyiCub::enableHead(), PhyiCub::enableLeftArm(), PhyiCub::enableLeftLeg(), PhyiCub::enableRightArm(), and PhyiCub::enableRightLeg().

void enableRightArm ( bool  b)

enable/disable simulation of objects

Definition at line 2603 of file phyicub.cpp.

References PhyiCub::enableObjectsAndLinks(), and MotorController::setEnabled().

void enableRightArmCartesianController ( )

create/destroy a cartesian controller server

Definition at line 2696 of file phyicub.cpp.

References WObject::name(), YarpObject::polydriver(), and WObject::world().

void enableRightKinematicHand ( bool  b)

enable/disable simulation of the right hand in kinematic simulations (enabled by default)

Definition at line 2630 of file phyicub.cpp.

void enableRightLeg ( bool  b)

enable/disable simulation of objects

Definition at line 2521 of file phyicub.cpp.

References PhyiCub::enableObjectsAndLinks(), and MotorController::setEnabled().

void enableTorso ( bool  b)

enable/disable simulation of objects

Definition at line 2533 of file phyicub.cpp.

References MotorController::setEnabled().

void forceKinematicChainsUpdate ( bool  enable)

Set to true to have all kinematic chains updated no matter if they are enabled or not This is set to true by the rendered to be able to render disabled objects.

Definition at line 301 of file phyicub.h.

const QVector<PhyObject*>& headNeck ( )

return the head-neck parts

Definition at line 190 of file phyicub.h.

MultiMotorController* headNeckController ( )

return the MultiMotorController for acting on head-neck joints

Definition at line 263 of file phyicub.h.

const QVector<PhyJoint*>& headNeckJoints ( )

return the head-neck joints

Definition at line 247 of file phyicub.h.

real highEyeLimitFromVersionAndVergenceLimits ( real  versionHigh,
real  vergenceHigh 

returns the eye high limit given the version and vergence high limits

Definition at line 2858 of file phyicub.cpp.

Referenced by PhyiCub::vergenceChangedLimits(), and PhyiCub::versionChangedLimits().

bool isKinematic ( )

Returns true if we are using the kinematic model.

Definition at line 148 of file phyicub.h.

const QVector<PhyObject*>& leftArm ( )

return the left arm parts

Definition at line 180 of file phyicub.h.

yarp::dev::ICartesianControl* leftArmCartesianController ( )

return the Cartesian Controller Interface for acting on Left Arm

Definition at line 275 of file phyicub.h.

MultiMotorController* leftArmController ( )

return the MultiMotorController for acting on left arm joints

Definition at line 255 of file phyicub.h.

const QVector<PhyJoint*>& leftArmJoints ( )

return the left arm joints inside the array the joints are arranged as follow: 0, 1, 2 -> joints on shoulder 3 -> elbow joint 4, 5, 6 -> wrist joints 7, 8, 9, 10 -> knuckles joints 11, 12, 13 -> index joints 14, 15, 16 -> middle joints 17, 18, 19 -> ring joints 20, 21, 22 -> pinky joints 23, 24, 25, 26 -> thumb joints

Definition at line 226 of file phyicub.h.

void leftEyeChangedDesiredPosition ( real  wishpos)

Configures the virtual DOF after a change in the desired position of the left eye DOF.

Definition at line 3102 of file phyicub.cpp.

References PhyDOF::position(), PhyDOF::setDesiredPosition(), PhyiCub::vergenceFromRightAndLeftEye(), and PhyiCub::versionFromRightAndLeftEye().

Referenced by PhyiCub::PhyiCub().

void leftEyeChangedDesiredVelocity ( real  wishvel)

Configures the virtual DOF after a change in the desired velocity of the left eye DOF.

Definition at line 3118 of file phyicub.cpp.

References PhyDOF::position(), PhyDOF::setDesiredVelocity(), PhyiCub::vergenceFromRightAndLeftEye(), and PhyiCub::versionFromRightAndLeftEye().

Referenced by PhyiCub::PhyiCub().

void leftEyeChangedLimits ( real  lowlimit,
real  highlimit 

Configures the virtual DOF after a change in the limits of the left eye DOF.

Definition at line 3166 of file phyicub.cpp.

Referenced by PhyiCub::PhyiCub().

void leftEyeChangedPosition ( real  newpos)

Configures the virtual DOF after a change in the position of the left eye DOF.

Definition at line 3134 of file phyicub.cpp.

References PhyDOF::position(), PhyiCub::vergenceFromRightAndLeftEye(), and PhyiCub::versionFromRightAndLeftEye().

Referenced by PhyiCub::PhyiCub().

void leftEyeChangedVelocity ( real  newvel)

Configures the virtual DOF after a change in the velocity of the left eye DOF.

Definition at line 3150 of file phyicub.cpp.

References PhyDOF::position(), PhyiCub::vergenceFromRightAndLeftEye(), and PhyiCub::versionFromRightAndLeftEye().

Referenced by PhyiCub::PhyiCub().

yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberImage * leftEyeFrameGrabber ( )

returns the frame grabber for the left eye

Definition at line 2389 of file phyicub.cpp.

References WCamera::getFrameGrabber().

real leftEyeFromVersionAndVergence ( real  version,
real  vergence 
const QVector<PhyObject*>& leftLeg ( )

return the left leg parts

Definition at line 165 of file phyicub.h.

MultiMotorController* leftLegController ( )

return the MultiMotorController for acting on left leg joints

Definition at line 267 of file phyicub.h.

const QVector<PhyJoint*>& leftLegJoints ( )

return the left leg joints

Definition at line 200 of file phyicub.h.

real lowEyeLimitFromVersionAndVergenceLimits ( real  versionLow,
real  vergenceLow 

returns the eye low limit given the version and vergence low limits

Definition at line 2851 of file phyicub.cpp.

Referenced by PhyiCub::vergenceChangedLimits(), and PhyiCub::versionChangedLimits().

void postUpdate ( )

postUpdate the WObject this method is called at each step of the world just after the physic update

Reimplemented from WObject.

Definition at line 2479 of file phyicub.cpp.

References KinematicLimb< iKinLimb_t >::updateMatrixFromiKin().

void preUpdate ( )

preUpdate the WObject this method is called at each step of the world just before the physic update (after motor controllers have been updated

Reimplemented from WObject.

Definition at line 2399 of file phyicub.cpp.

References MotorController::isEnabled(), PhyObjectsGroup::resetObjectPositions(), MultiMotorController::update(), PhyObjectsGroup::updateFromDOF(), and KinematicLimb< iKinLimb_t >::updateMatrixFromiKin().

const QVector<PhyObject*>& rightArm ( )

return the rigth arm parts

Definition at line 185 of file phyicub.h.

yarp::dev::ICartesianControl* rightArmCartesianController ( )

return the Cartesian Controller Interface for acting on Right Arm

Definition at line 279 of file phyicub.h.

MultiMotorController* rightArmController ( )

return the MultiMotorController for acting on right arm joints

Definition at line 259 of file phyicub.h.

const QVector<PhyJoint*>& rightArmJoints ( )

return the rigth arm joints inside the array the joints are arranged as follow: 0, 1, 2 -> joints on shoulder 3 -> elbow joint 4, 5, 6 -> wrist joints 7, 8, 9, 10 -> knuckles joints 11, 12, 13 -> index joints 14, 15, 16 -> middle joints 17, 18, 19 -> ring joints 20, 21, 22 -> pinky joints 23, 24, 25, 26 -> thumb joints

Definition at line 242 of file phyicub.h.

void rightEyeChangedDesiredPosition ( real  wishpos)

Configures the virtual DOF after a change in the desired position of the right eye DOF.

Definition at line 3031 of file phyicub.cpp.

References PhyDOF::position(), PhyDOF::setDesiredPosition(), PhyiCub::vergenceFromRightAndLeftEye(), and PhyiCub::versionFromRightAndLeftEye().

Referenced by PhyiCub::PhyiCub().

void rightEyeChangedDesiredVelocity ( real  wishvel)

Configures the virtual DOF after a change in the desired velocity of the right eye DOF.

Definition at line 3047 of file phyicub.cpp.

References PhyDOF::position(), PhyDOF::setDesiredVelocity(), PhyiCub::vergenceFromRightAndLeftEye(), and PhyiCub::versionFromRightAndLeftEye().

Referenced by PhyiCub::PhyiCub().

void rightEyeChangedLimits ( real  lowlimit,
real  highlimit 

Configures the virtual DOF after a change in the limits of the right eye DOF.

Definition at line 3095 of file phyicub.cpp.

Referenced by PhyiCub::PhyiCub().

void rightEyeChangedPosition ( real  newpos)

Configures the virtual DOF after a change in the position of the right eye DOF.

Definition at line 3063 of file phyicub.cpp.

References PhyDOF::position(), PhyiCub::vergenceFromRightAndLeftEye(), and PhyiCub::versionFromRightAndLeftEye().

Referenced by PhyiCub::PhyiCub().

void rightEyeChangedVelocity ( real  newvel)

Configures the virtual DOF after a change in the velocity of the right eye DOF.

Definition at line 3079 of file phyicub.cpp.

References PhyDOF::position(), PhyiCub::vergenceFromRightAndLeftEye(), and PhyiCub::versionFromRightAndLeftEye().

Referenced by PhyiCub::PhyiCub().

yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberImage * rightEyeFrameGrabber ( )

returns the frame grabber for the right eye

Definition at line 2394 of file phyicub.cpp.

References WCamera::getFrameGrabber().

real rightEyeFromVersionAndVergence ( real  version,
real  vergence 
const QVector<PhyObject*>& rightLeg ( )

return the rigth leg parts

Definition at line 170 of file phyicub.h.

MultiMotorController* rightLegController ( )

return the MultiMotorController for acting on right leg joints

Definition at line 271 of file phyicub.h.

const QVector<PhyJoint*>& rightLegJoints ( )

return the rigth leg joints

Definition at line 205 of file phyicub.h.

void setTorso0Matrix ( )

computes and sets the transformation matrix for torso0

Definition at line 2789 of file phyicub.cpp.

References WObject::tm.

Referenced by PhyiCub::changedMatrix(), and PhyiCub::PhyiCub().

const QVector<PhyObject*>& torso ( )

return the torso parts

Definition at line 175 of file phyicub.h.

MultiMotorController* torsoController ( )

return the MultiMotorController for acting on torso joints

Definition at line 251 of file phyicub.h.

const QVector<PhyJoint*>& torsoJoints ( )

return the torso joints

Definition at line 210 of file phyicub.h.

void vergenceChangedDesiredPosition ( real  wishpos)

Configures the real DOF after a change in the desired position of the vergence DOF.

Definition at line 2950 of file phyicub.cpp.

References PhyDOF::desiredPosition(), PhyiCub::leftEyeFromVersionAndVergence(), PhyiCub::rightEyeFromVersionAndVergence(), and PhyDOF::setDesiredPosition().

Referenced by PhyiCub::PhyiCub().

void vergenceChangedDesiredVelocity ( real  wishvel)

Configures the real DOF after a change in the desired velocity of the vergence DOF.

Definition at line 2966 of file phyicub.cpp.

References PhyDOF::desiredVelocity(), PhyiCub::leftEyeFromVersionAndVergence(), PhyiCub::rightEyeFromVersionAndVergence(), and PhyDOF::setDesiredVelocity().

Referenced by PhyiCub::PhyiCub().

void vergenceChangedLimits ( real  lowlimit,
real  highlimit 

Configures the real DOF after a change in the limits of the vergence DOF.

Definition at line 3014 of file phyicub.cpp.

References PhyiCub::highEyeLimitFromVersionAndVergenceLimits(), PhyDOF::limits(), PhyiCub::lowEyeLimitFromVersionAndVergenceLimits(), and PhyDOF::setLimits().

Referenced by PhyiCub::PhyiCub().

void vergenceChangedPosition ( real  newpos)

Configures the real DOF after a change in the position of the vergence DOF.

Definition at line 2982 of file phyicub.cpp.

References PhyiCub::leftEyeFromVersionAndVergence(), PhyDOF::position(), and PhyiCub::rightEyeFromVersionAndVergence().

Referenced by PhyiCub::PhyiCub().

void vergenceChangedVelocity ( real  newvel)

Configures the real DOF after a change in the velocity of the vergence DOF.

Definition at line 2998 of file phyicub.cpp.

References PhyiCub::leftEyeFromVersionAndVergence(), PhyiCub::rightEyeFromVersionAndVergence(), and PhyDOF::velocity().

Referenced by PhyiCub::PhyiCub().

real vergenceFromRightAndLeftEye ( real  left,
real  right 
void versionChangedDesiredPosition ( real  wishpos)

Configures the real DOF after a change in the desired position of the version DOF.

Definition at line 2869 of file phyicub.cpp.

References PhyDOF::desiredPosition(), PhyiCub::leftEyeFromVersionAndVergence(), PhyiCub::rightEyeFromVersionAndVergence(), and PhyDOF::setDesiredPosition().

Referenced by PhyiCub::PhyiCub().

void versionChangedDesiredVelocity ( real  wishvel)

Configures the real DOF after a change in the desired velocity of the version DOF.

Definition at line 2885 of file phyicub.cpp.

References PhyDOF::desiredVelocity(), PhyiCub::leftEyeFromVersionAndVergence(), PhyiCub::rightEyeFromVersionAndVergence(), and PhyDOF::setDesiredVelocity().

Referenced by PhyiCub::PhyiCub().

void versionChangedLimits ( real  lowlimit,
real  highlimit 

Configures the real DOF after a change in the limits of the version DOF.

Definition at line 2933 of file phyicub.cpp.

References PhyiCub::highEyeLimitFromVersionAndVergenceLimits(), PhyDOF::limits(), PhyiCub::lowEyeLimitFromVersionAndVergenceLimits(), and PhyDOF::setLimits().

Referenced by PhyiCub::PhyiCub().

void versionChangedPosition ( real  newpos)

Configures the real DOF after a change in the position of the version DOF.

Definition at line 2901 of file phyicub.cpp.

References PhyiCub::leftEyeFromVersionAndVergence(), PhyDOF::position(), and PhyiCub::rightEyeFromVersionAndVergence().

Referenced by PhyiCub::PhyiCub().

void versionChangedVelocity ( real  newvel)

Configures the real DOF after a change in the velocity of the version DOF.

Definition at line 2917 of file phyicub.cpp.

References PhyiCub::leftEyeFromVersionAndVergence(), PhyiCub::rightEyeFromVersionAndVergence(), and PhyDOF::velocity().

Referenced by PhyiCub::PhyiCub().

real versionFromRightAndLeftEye ( real  left,
real  right 

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