

If you are interested in swarm intelligence, distributed systems, swarm robotics and similar, try to contact me, there’s always some possibility to find some interesting work.

In this page, there’s a list of subjects for a thesis (mostly M.Sc. or B.Sc. level). This list is continuously updated following the current research topics in the lab.
Work should be performed at the ISTC-CNR labs in Rome, but possibility for remote supervision can be evaluated as well.

  1. Study within the project CODE: Collective Decisions in Dynamic Environments:
    • Analysis of the exploration abilities of robots performing random walks, and identification of the topology of the interaction network and its dynamics with respect to the underling collective decision behaviour. Design of motion and decision strategies that can be resilient to spatial correlations observable within the system.
    • Definition of a distributed multi-agent system making decisions against a changing landscape, where alternatives may change of quality following some stochastic event.
    • Real robot implementation with a swarm of kilobots.
  2. Study within the project SAGA:
    • Implementation and analysis of a monitoring/mapping system for weeds in a crop field through a drone swarm. Design of a solution hinged on information gain and scalable to a UAV swarm.
    • Deep learning for weed detection from drones. Starting from a training set of weeds and crops, design of a classification system that can distinguish weeds with high accuracy, and that can exploit the parallel observation by multiple UAVs, at different times and from different perspectives.
    • Possibility to test the developed system on real UAVs in collaboration with the University of Wageningen (NL)
  3. Study within the project “Educational Robotics and Swarm Intelligence”:
    • Implementation of educational modules using a group of Thymio robots to provide transversal competences to kids (e.g., improve teamwork, cooperation, ability to listen other’s opinions).
    • Testing the educational modules in collaboration with primary schools in the Rome area (in collaboration with Fondazione Mondo Digitale)
    • Analysis of the efficacy of using swarm of robots for educational purposes.