Utility Classes for experiments


class  Component
 The Component is the base (abstract) class for any specific project implementation. More...
class  Evonet
 Evonet is the neural network taken from the EvoRobot. More...
class  EvonetIterator
 This class iterate over the neurons of a Evonet neural network. More...
class  EvoRobotComponent
 This class setup an evolutionary experiment. More...
class  FarsaPlugin
 the interface for implement a plugin for adding new feature to FARSA More...
class  iCubArmPosToPostureMotor
 This Motor move the arm in the position using the iCubRobot::configurePosture method. More...
class  iCubArmRandomMotor
 An example of Motor. More...
class  iCubArmVelocityMotor
 This Motor move the arm by velocity. More...
class  iCubSimulator
 a simple iCub simulator. More...
class  iCubTorsoPosToPostureMotor
 This Motor move the torso in the position using the iCubRobot::configurePosture method. More...
class  iCubTorsoVelocityMotor
 This Motor move the torso by velocity. More...
class  Motor
 The base abstract class for the Motor hierarchy. More...
class  NeuronsIterator
 The base abstract class for iterating over neurons of a neural network. More...
class  Sensor
 The base abstract class for the Sensor hierarchy. More...

Detailed Description