On Wednesday, May the 25th 2022, Luigi Feola will present our latest work on minimalistic adaptive strategies for team formation in robot swarms at the ICRA 2022 conference. This study has been performed in the context of the PhD that Luigi is doing at ISTC-CNR and Sapienza University. Look at the video if you’re curious about our latest results!
PhD position at Queen Mary University of London
A PhD project is available at Queen Mary University of London under the supervision of Dr. Rainer Klages, and in collaboration with Giorgio Volpe from UCL and myself.
The project is about the study of active search strategies based on random walks presenting anomalous diffusion properties. (more…)

NEW! Open research positions to study collective decision making
Recruitment continues for the project CODE: Collective Decisions in Dynamic Environments (see below for more info).
The following profiles are required:
– junior post-doc (including those nearing the end of their PhD)
– postgraduate research assistant (with possibility to enrol in a PhD school)
Open positions are for 2 years (with possibility of +1 year). Preferred starting date June the 3rd, 2019.
Open research position at ISTC in collaboration with the LABSS
A post-doctoral position is now opening at the ISTC-CNR, in collaboration with the Laboratory of Agent Based Social Simulation (LABSS). The position is promoted in memory of Rosaria Conte, Research Director and founder of the LABSS, to foster research following the directions that Rosaria contributed to develop, especially in the field of social and cognitive dynamics. The fellowship is intended as a way to continue developing Rosaria Conte’s work and ideas, reflecting her many inter-disciplinary interests alongside her commitment and enthusiasm for mentoring younger researchers.

Keynote at the GECCO’2017 ECBR Workshop
On July the 16th, I gave a keynote talk at the GECCO 2017 workshop “Evolving Collective Behaviors in Robotics, organised by Nicolas Bredeche (UPMC), Evert Haasdijk (VUA), Heiko Hamann (U. Paderborn), Abraham Prieto (U. Coruña). (more…)