
BDA 2015 @MIT

I’ve just been in Boston to attend the third workshop on Biologically Distributed Algorithms (BDA 2015), a small but very exciting event organised to gather together people from different backgrounds interested in the mechanisms behind the organisation of complex distributed systems, from ant colonies to brain networks.

The event has been very interesting and lively, with a strong focus on the collective behaviour of ants (especially thanks to the participation of some of the most prominent researchers on ant sociobiology: Deborah Gordon, Jennifer Fewell, Simon Garnier), but also with interesting insights on brain network function/organisation, especially thanks to the participation of Nir Shavit who presented the recent advancements on the generation of connectomes.

In this context, I have presented a poster featuring recent results of the DICE project about the design pattern methodology for decentralised collective decisions. For more information and to download the poster, check the DICE project webpages.