
Keynote at the GECCO’2017 ECBR Workshop

On July the 16th, I gave a keynote talk at the GECCO 2017 workshop “Evolving Collective Behaviors in Robotics, organised by Nicolas Bredeche (UPMC), Evert Haasdijk (VUA), Heiko Hamann (U. Paderborn), Abraham Prieto (U. Coruña).

The workshop focused on the usage of artificial evolution for the synthesis of collective behaviour in groups of robots. My keynote, titled “Few rules to make evolution an intelligent design method” focused on the usage of artificial evolution as a design tool, providing guideline for the correct design of evolutionary experiments. Much of this is related to my research on Evolutionary Robotics. The workshop also featured spotlight contributed talks that revolved around the several evolutionary approaches that one can take to the study of collective behaviours, including embodied evolution. Everything extremely interesting!

Thanks to the organisers for the invitation, that’s been a very exciting event!

The interested reader can download the slides of my talk.