
NEW! Open research positions to study collective decision making

Recruitment continues for the project CODE: Collective Decisions in Dynamic Environments (see below for more info).
The following profiles are required:
junior post-doc (including those nearing the end of their PhD)
postgraduate research assistant (with possibility to enrol in a PhD school)
Open positions are for 2 years (with possibility of +1 year). Preferred starting date June the 3rd, 2019.

Ideal candidates should have knowledge about dynamical systems theory, multi-agent systems, swarm robotics. Good programming skills are also required (Python, C++), as well as abilities in data visualisation.
The interested candidate may place an informal inquiry by contacting me, attaching CV and a short motivation letter. The position will remain open until filled.

CODE: Collective Decisions in Dynamic Environments
The CODE project aims to study collective decision making in dynamical contexts, where the possible alternatives display time-varying features. The study has a theoretical component based on dynamical systems theory, and an experimental component based on multi-agent and multi-robot systems. Dynamical systems are useful to determine the time evolution of collective decision-making under a given parameterisation, with the goal of identifying optimal conditions to maximise efficiency and decision accuracy. Multi-agent models allow to validate the predictions made by analytical models, and to consider heterogeneous interaction topologies that can emerge, for instance, from a complex and dynamic distribution of agents in space, as resulting from non-random motion patterns. The research also includes the possibility to test the identified collective decision strategies with multi-robot systems, exploiting a swarm of kilobot robots.