Language grounding in the sensorimotor system

Recent studies show that during language comprehension we activate a simulation, that is we recruit the same perceptual, motor and emotion system we use during interaction with object and entities. I'm interested in how specific and fine-grained is the simulation activated during words and sentences comprehension.

I'm interested in understanding better how fine-grained this simulation is. In particular, I study whether this simulation is sensitive to

Impact of language on categorization and on the sense of body

I do not believe that language does not determine thought, but that language impacts cognition and categorization, and I think that the effects of linguistic experience haven't been studied enough within the embodied cognition community. .

I'm interested in how the embodied linguistic experience (and not only the sensorimotor experience) can modify the boundaries of our categories and can account for the meanings of words, and in particular of abstract words, such as "truth". see section on abstract concepts

Finally, I'm interested in how language can change the way we conceive of our own body. Namely, I believe that words are kinds of instruments that can extend our action possibilities as well as our cognitive possibilities. .

Papers on language grounding (since 2004)