Language grounding
in the sensorimotor system
studies show that during language comprehension we activate a simulation, that
is we recruit the same perceptual, motor and emotion system we use during interaction
with object and entities. I'm interested in how specific and fine-grained is
the simulation activated during words and sentences comprehension.
interested in understanding better how fine-grained this simulation is. In particular,
I study whether this simulation is sensitive to
- the
effectors (hand, foot, mouth) involved in the sentence,
- different
object properties such as size, weight, different affordances - especially
stable and dynamic affordances, and social and relational affordances
- the
overall action goals. In particular, I'm
interested in whether the chained organization of motor acts which is typical
of the motor system is encoded in language.
of language on categorization and on the sense of body
do not believe that language does not determine thought, but that language impacts
cognition and categorization, and I think that the effects of linguistic experience
haven't been studied enough within the embodied cognition community. .
interested in how the embodied linguistic experience (and not only the sensorimotor
experience) can modify the boundaries of our categories and can account for
the meanings of words, and in particular of abstract words, such as "truth".
see section on abstract concepts
I'm interested in how language can change the way we conceive of our own body.
Namely, I believe that words are kinds of instruments that can extend our action
possibilities as well as our cognitive possibilities. .
on language grounding (since 2004)
- Marino,
B., Borghi, A.M. , Buccino, G., Riggio, L. (2017).Chained
activation of the motor system during language understanding. Frontiers
in Psychology, 8:199. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00199.
to download
Gianelli, C., Marzocchi, M., Borghi, A.M. (2017).Grasping
the agent’s perspective: a kinematics investigation of linguistic perspective
in Italian and German. Frontiers in Psychology 8:42. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00042.
to download
- Scerrati,
E., Lugli, L., Nicoletti, R., Borghi, A.M. (2016, in press).The
Multilevel Modality-Switch Effect: What Happens When We See the Bees Buzzing
and Hear the Diamonds Glistening. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review,
DOI 10.3758/s13423-016-1150-2. pdf
to download
- Cimatti,
F., Flumini, A., Vittuari, M., Borghi, A.M. (2016). Odors,
words and objects. RIFL-
Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del linguaggio.pdf
to download
Scorolli, C., Daprati, E., Nico, D., Borghi, A.M. (2016).Reaching
for objects or asking for them: Distance estimation in 7 to 15 years-old children
. Journal of Motor Behavior, 48(2):183-91. doi: 10.1080/00222895.2015.1070787.pdf
to dowload
Scerrati, E., Baroni, G., Borghi, A.M., Galatolo, R., Lugli,
L., Nicoletti, R. (2015). The modality-switch effect: Visually and aurally
presented prime sentences activate our senses. Frontiers in Psychology,
6:1668. doi 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01668. pdf
to download
Flumini, A., Barca, L., Borghi, A.M., Pezzulo (2015). How
do you hold your mouse? Tracking the compatibility effect between hand posture
and stimulus size. Psychological Research, 79, 928–938. DOI 10.1007/s00426-014-0622-0.
pdf to download
- Borghi,
A.M., Riggio, L. (2015). Stable and variable affordances are both
automatic and flexible. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9:351. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00351.
pdf to download
Scorolli, C., Borghi, A.M., Tummolini, L. (2015). Indici
visivi e giudizi impliciti di proprietà: Uno studio sperimentale.Visual
cues and implicit judgments of ownership: An experimental study.) Sistemi
intelligenti, 1, 209-220, DOI: 10.1422/79695. pre-print
Borghi, A.M., Cangelosi, A. (2014). Action language integration:
from humans to cognitive robots. Topics in Cognitive Science, 6, 3,
344-358. pre-print
(special issue edited by A.Cangelosi-A.M.Borghi,
Action language integration: from humans to cognitive robots, 6, 3, 344-558)
Flumini, A., Ranzini, M., Borghi, A.M. (2014). Nomina sunt
consequentia rerum. Sound-shape correspondences with every-day object figures.
Journal of Memory and Language, 76, 47-60.
to downLoad
Flumini, A., Barca, L., Borghi, A.M., Pezzulo, G. (2014).
Tracking the compatibility effect of hand grip and stimulus size. In M. Cruciani
& A. Rega (Eds. (pp. 162-170)). Corpi, strumenti e cognizione. Anno 1
- Volume n° 5 - Atti del convegno internazionale dell'Associazione Italiana
di Scienze Cognitive (pp.162-170). pre-print
Kalkan, S., Dag, N., Yuruten, O., Borghi, A.M., Sahin, E.
(2014). Verb concepts from affordances. Interaction Studies 15:1,
1-37. doi: 10.1075/is.15.1.01kal preprint
Flumini, A., Ranzini, M., Borghi, A.M. (2014). Sound-symbolic
correspondences with figures of known entities. Proceedings of the Cognitive
Science Society, 2210-2215. pre-print
Gianelli, C., Lugli, L., Baroni, G., Nicoletti, R., Borghi, A.M. (2013).
The impact of social context and language comprehension on behaviour: A kinematic
investigation. PLoS ONE, Volume 8(12): e85151. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0085151.
- Borghi,
A.M., Scorolli, C., Caligiore, D., Baldassarre, G. & Tummolini,
L. (2013). The embodied mind extended: Words as social tools. Frontiers
in Psychology 4:214. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00214. pdf
to download
Gianelli, C., Scorolli, C., Borghi, A.M. (2013). Acting in
perspective: The role of body and of language as social tools. Psychological
Research, 77, 1, 40-52. pre-print
A.M. (2012). Action language comprehension, affordances and goals.
In Yan Coello, Angela Bartolo (Eds).
Language and action in cognitive neuroscience. Contemporary topics in cognitive
neuroscience series (pp. 125-143). Psychology Press. ISBN: 978-1-84872-082-4.
Lugli, L., Baroni, G., Gianelli, C., Borghi, A.M., Nicoletti,
R. (2012). Self, others, objects: How this triadic interaction modulates our
behavior. Memory and Cognition, 40, 1373-1386
DOI 10.3758/s13421-012-0218-0. pre-print.
Materials (pdf)
Ambrosini, E., Scorolli, C., Borghi, A.M., Costantini, M.
(2012).Which body for embodied cognition? Affordance and language
within actual and perceived reaching space. Consciousness and Cognition,
21, 1551–1557. pre-print
- Borghi,
A.M., Scorolli, C.(2012). Parole come strumenti che estendono il
corpo.Sistemi intelligenti, 24, 1, 117-126.pre-print
Liuzza, M.T., Cimatti, F., Borghi, A.M. (2012). Linguistic
tools for embodied minds. RIFL, 6, 2, 43-58. doi: 104396/20120704. pre-print.
- Borghi,
A.M. (2011).Simulating the elimination of simulation: the case of
language comprehension. Journal of Mental Imagery, 3-4, 27-33. (commentary
to Iachini, T. Mental imagery and embodied cognition: A multimodal approach
(2011), JMI. pre-print
Lugli, L., Baroni, G., Gianelli, C., Borghi, A.M (2011).
L'importanza degli “altri”: come il contesto relazionale influenza il sistema
motorio. Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, 38, 577-584. Materiali
Costantini, M., Ambrosini, E., Scorolli, C., Borghi, A.M
(2011).When objects are close to me: affordances in the peripersonal space.
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 18, 32-38. pre-print
Gianelli, C., Lugli, L., Baroni, G., Nicoletti, R., Borghi, A.M
(2011). “The object is wonderful or prickly": how different object properties
modulate behavior in a joint context. In: Kokinov, B., Karmiloff-Smith, A.,
Nersessian, N. J. (eds.) European Perspectives on Cognitive Science. ©
New Bulgarian University Press, 2011 ISBN 978-954-535-660-5 (Eurocogsci, paper
- Ambrosini,
E., Scorolli, C., Borghi, A.M., Costantini, M. (2011).Experiencing
objects. The role of the body. In: Kokinov, B., Karmiloff-Smith, A., Nersessian,
N. J. (eds.) European Perspectives on Cognitive Science. © New Bulgarian
University Press, 2011 ISBN 978-954-535-660-5 (Eurocogsci, paper 235, pp.
1-5). (best student award).pre-print
Jirak, D., Menz, M., Buccino, G., Borghi, A.M., & Binkofski,
F. (2010). Grasping language. A short story on embodiment. Consciousness
and Cognition, 19, 711-720. pre-print
- Chersi,
F., Thill, S., Ziemke, T., Borghi, A.M. (2010). Sentence
processing: Linking language to motor chain. (Special topic edited by Angelo
Cangelosi, Action and language integration in cognitive systems.)
Frontiers in neurorobotics. link
Borghi, A.M., Gianelli, C., Scorolli, C. (2010). Sentence comprehension:
effectors and goals, self and others. An overview of experiments and implications
for robotics. (Special topic edited by Angelo Cangelosi, Action and language
integration in cognitive systems.) Frontiers in neurorobotics. link
Borghi, A.M., Cimatti, F.(2010). Embodied cognition and beyond: Acting
and sensing the body. NeuropsychologiA, 48, 763-773. pre-print
- Borghi,
A.M. (2010).
Parole, non simboli. Sistemi intelligenti, 1, 161-168. pre-print
- Borghi,
A.M., Caligiore, D., Scorolli, C. (2010). Objects, words, and actions.
Some reasons why embodied models are badly needed in cognitive psychology.
In V. Capecchi, M. Buscema, P. Cantucci & B. D’Amore (eds.). Applications
of mathematics in models, artificial neural networks and arts. Mathematics
and society. Berlin: Springer. preprint
- Borghi,
A.M. (2009).
Comprensione del linguaggio: Movimento, azione, socialità. (Language
comprehension: Movement, action, social life). Teorie e modelli,
1, 67-77 (numero tematico su "Movimento e funzioni cognitive" a
cura di Carmela Morabito e Gloria Galloni). pre-print
Scorolli, C., Borghi, A.M., Glenberg, A.M. (2009). Language-induced
motor activity in bimanual object lifting. Experimental Brain Research,
193, 43-53. pre-print
Borghi, A.M., Riggio, L. (2009). Sentence comprehension and simulation
of objects temporary, canonical and stable affordances. Brain Research,
1253, 117-128. pre-print
A.M., Scorolli, C. (2009). Language comprehension and hand motion
simulation. Human Movement Science, 28, 12-27. pre-print.
Materials: BS-Exp1a - BS-Exp1b-
BS-Exp2- BS-Exp3
- Scorolli,
C., Borghi, A.M. (2008). 'Language and embodiment'. Anthropology
and Philosophy, 9 (1-2), pp. 7-23. pre-print
- Borghi,
A.M., Nicoletti, R. (2008). “Se leggo cappello mi muovo verso l’alto
Movimento e comprensione di parole e frasi” Giornale Italiano di
Psicologia. (If I read "hat" I tend to move upwards. Movement
and words and sentence comprehension. Italian Journal of Psychology).
Sacchetti, S., Borghi, A.M. (2007). Concetti di oggetti e
funzione: Ruolo della funzione canonica e effetti di contesto. Giornale
Italiano di Psicologia, 34, 781-788. (Object concepts and function: Role
of canonical function and contextual effects. Italian Journal of Psychology).
Scorolli, C., Borghi, A.M. (2007). Sentence comprehension
and action: Effector specific modulation of the motor system. Brain research,
1130, 119-124. preprint
- Parisi, D., Borghi, A.M., Di Ferdinando, A. & Tsiotas,
G. (2005). Meaning and
motor actions: Behavioral and Artificial Life evidence.