Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost, 1920, The road not taken



(below publications, organized by date, can be DOWNLOADED by clicking on "preprint" or on "pdf to download").


Books Papers Presentations Reviewer / editorial boards Organization



Papers (since 2000)




Invited speaker/discussant




Occasional reviewer for / Editorial boards:


Occasional reviewer for: (see publons:

Ad hoc reviewer for international funding agencies

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
• NIH (National Institute of Health) USA
• Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council UK
• Agence National de la Recherche, France
• NSF (National Science Foundation)
• NWO, Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek


Organization (since 2000)

Societies scientific committees
Organized symposia and summer schools
  • Martin H. Fischer, Anna M. Borghi. Workshop (2019): Abstract concepts differ: Numbers, Emotions and Dangerous Things. Sapienza University of Rome, March 29, 2019. Program
  • Martin Wokke, Anna Borghi, Giovanni Pezzulo (2018): Conference on affordances, ISTC-CNR, ROME, March 19-20, 2018:. Program
  • Anna Borghi, Luca Tummolini (2017). Symposium Concetti astratti: diversi tipi, molteplici rappresentazioni. Participants: Anna Borghi, Sara Dellantonio & Remo Job, Marta Ghio & Marco Tettamanti, Luca Tummolini. AIP Sperimentale, Bari, September 20-22, 2017.
  • Anna Borghi, Luca Tummolini (2015). Symposium Object, action and space. Participants: Anna Borghi, Angelo Cangelosi,Harmen Gudde and Ken Coventry, Holger Diessel, Pia Knoeferle, Luca Tummolini, Virginia Volterra. 6th International Conference on Spatial Cognition (ICSC): Space and Situated Cognition. Rome, 7-11 September 2015.
  • Anna Borghi (2012). Symposium Objects and action in the individual and social space: Affordances and embodied cognition. Participants: Corrado Sinigaglia, Ferdinand Binkofsky, Anna Borghi, Oliver LIndemann & Paulus; J. Stefanucci, Creem-Regehr S. et al. 5th International Conference on Spatial Cognition (ICSC): Space and Embodied Cognition. Rome, 4-9 September 2012.
  • Martin Fischer, Anna Borghi. Symposium: Embodied Robotics: from Affordances to Action. Participants: Anna Borghi, Giovanni Buccino, Tony Morse & Angelo Cangelosi, Jeremy Golsin & Rob Ellis, Martin Fischer. 1rst Joint Conference of the EPS and SEPEX, 15-17 April, 2010, Granada.
  • Andrea Serino, Alessia Tessari, Anna Borghi, Manos Tsakiris. Summer School THE SENSE OF THE BODY, Bologna, June 2008. Funding: project selected, awarded and funded by ISA (Istituto Studi Avanzati, University of Bologna) and funded by the European Science Foundation.
  • Lucia Riggio, Anna Borghi: Organization of the symposium: Affordances: tra percezione e azione. Participants: Leonardo Fogassi, Lucia Riggio, Fabio Ferlazzo e Anna Borghi. AIP, sez. di Psicologia Sperimentale, Rovereto, September 13-15 2006.
  • Summer School Neural network models of perception, action and embodied knowledge (Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, July 13-19, 2005. co-organized with Stefano Ghirlanda


Conference scientific committees and other scientific committees
2019, October. RAI (Radiotelevisione Italiana) scuola, program Nautilus, Una questione di tatto (A matter of touch). Invited speaker. Link