Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
oCAvailableTestListA class with only static members holding the list of available tests
|oCArenaExceptionThe exception thrown at runtime by the arena
|oCEvonetIteratorInvalidStatusExceptionThe exception thrown when EvonetIterator is not in a valid status
|\CSampleFileLoadingExceptionThe exception thrown when an error occurs during IR sample files loading
oCEvaluatorThreadForEvogaThis is an helper class for implementing multithread in Evoga
oCFarsaPluginInterface for implement a plugin for adding new feature to FARSA
oCFitnessAndIdA simple structure keeping a fitness value and the id of a genotype
oCImagePointThe structure modelling a single point on a 2D image
oCMusclePairMusclePair class
oCOwnable [external]
|\CWObject [external]
| oCGraphicalWObject [external]
| oCPhyEpuck [external]
| oCPhyKhepera [external]
| oCPhyMarXbot [external]
| \CYarpObject [external]
oCParameterSettable [external]
|oCParameterSettableInConstructor [external]
||oCArenaThe class modelling an arena
||oCMotorThe base abstract class for the Motor hierarchy
||oCRobotAn abstract class for robots
||\CSensorThe base abstract class for the Sensor hierarchy
|\CParameterSettableWithConfigureFunction [external]
| oCAbstractTestAn abstract class for tests of evolved individuals
| oCComponentThe Component is the base (abstract) class for any specific project implementation
| oCEvogaGenetic algorithm from evorobot more or less (spare parts)
| oCEvonetEvonet is the neural network taken from the EvoRobot
| \CEvoRobotExperimentThe base common class that evaluate the fitness of a robot
oCParameterSettableUI [external]
|\CiCubSimulatorViewerWidget for visualize the iCub simulator
oCPhyObject2DWrapperA class wrapping a PhyObject to add methods suitable for wheeled robots simulations
|oCBox2DWrapperThe subclass of PhyObject2DWrapper wrapping a box
|oCCylinder2DWrapperThe subclass of PhyObject2DWrapper wrapping a cylinder
|\CWheeledRobot2DWrapperThe subclass of PhyObject2DWrapper wrapping a wheeled robot
oCProjectorA class projecting a 3D space point into a 2D image point
oCProportionalControllerImplements a prorportional controller
|oCAbstractTestAn abstract class for tests of evolved individuals
|oCComponentThe Component is the base (abstract) class for any specific project implementation
|oCEvogaGenetic algorithm from evorobot more or less (spare parts)
|oCEvonetEvonet is the neural network taken from the EvoRobot
|oCEvoRobotExperimentThe base common class that evaluate the fitness of a robot
|\CWObjectsListA class representing a list of objects
|oCRenderWorldWrapperWidgetThe wrapper widget for RenderWorld
|\CTestIndividualGUIA gui visualizing the camera and the projection of objects on the retina
oCResource [external]
|oCNeuronsIteratorThe base abstract class for iterating over neurons of a neural network
||\CEvonetIteratorThis class iterate over the neurons of a Evonet neural network
|oCResourcesUser [external]
||\CConcurrentResourcesUser [external]
|\CWObjectsListA class representing a list of objects
oCSampledIRDataLoaderAn helper class to load sampled data from file
oCThreadOperation [external]
|oCEvolveOperationOperation for evolution process
|\CTestOperationOperation for testing process
oCTotal99ResourcesThis class has static method for retrieving the resources for the application
\CiCubPalmPatchesTouchSensor::TriangleThe structure representing a triangle