Stefano Nolfi's Publications

Nolfi's Homepage


Nolfi S. (2021). Behavioral and Cognitive Robotics: An Adaptive Perspective. Roma, Italy: Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, National Research Council (CNR-ISTC). ISBN 9791220082372.
Nolfi S. & Floreano D. (2000). Evolutionary Robotics: The Biology, Intelligence, and Technology of Self-Organizing Machines. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press/Bradford Books.

Edited Volumes

Lio' P, Miglino O., Nicosia G., Nolfi S. and Pavone M. (2013). Advances in Artificial Life, Proceedings of the Twelfth European Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems (ECAL 2013). Cambridge. MA: MIT Press. pdf
Nolfi S., Mirolli M. (2010). Evolution of Communication and Language in Embodied Agents. Berlin: Springer Verlag.
Nolfi S. (2009). Che Cos'è la Robotica Autonoma. Roma: Carocci Editore. Materiale Aggiuntivo
Nolfi S., Ikegami T., and Tani J. (2008). Special Issue on "Behavior and Mind as a Complex Adaptive System", Adaptive Behavior, 16: 101-103.
Nolfi S., Baldassarre G., Calabretta R., Hallam J., Marocco D., Miglino O., Meyer J-A & Parisi D. (2006). From animals to animats 9: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behaviour. LNAI. Volume 4095. Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag.
Nolfi S. (2004). Special Issue on "Evolutionary Robotics: Looking forward". Connection Science.

Articles (journals, chapters, proceedings, preprints)

  1. Milano N. & Nolfi S. (in press). Autonomous learning of features for control: Experiments with embodied and situated agents. PLoS ONE. preprint
  2. Simione L. & Nolfi S. (2021). Long-term progress and behavior complexification in competitive coevolution. Artificial Life, 26(4): 409-430. html
  3. Pagliuca P. & Nolfi S. (2021). The dynamic of body and brain co-evolution. Adaptive Behavior, preprint
  4. Massagué Respall V. & Nolfi S. (2021). Development of multiple behaviors in evolving robots. Robotics, 10(1), 1. html
  5. Nolfi S. (2021). Behavioral and Cognitive Robotics: An Adaptive Perspective. Roma, Italy: Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, National Research Council (CNR-ISTC). html
  6. Milano N. & Nolfi S. (2021). Automated curriculum learning for embodied agents: A neuroevolutionary approach. arXiv:2102.08849. preprint
  7. Nolfi S. (2021). Embodiment. In S. Nolfi, Behavioral and Cognitive Robotics. Roma, Italy: Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, National Research Council (CNR-ISTC). html
  8. Milano N. & Nolfi S. (2020). Enhancing Cartesian genetic programming through preferential selection of larger solutions. Evolutionary Intelligence, preprint
  9. Nolfi S. (2020) Embodied and situated agents, Adaptive behavior in. In M. Sotomayor, D. Pérez-Castrillo, F. Castiglione F. (Eds), Complex Social and Behavioral Systems. Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science Series. Springer, New York, NY.
  10. Pagliuca P. & Nolfi S. (2019). Robust optimization through neuroevolution. PLoS ONE 14(3): e0213193. html
  11. Pezzulo G. & Nolfi S. (2019). Making the environment an informative place: A conceptual analysis of epistemic policies and sensorimotor coordination. Entropy 2019, 21(4), 350; doi:10.3390/e21040350, html
  12. Milano N., Carvalho J.T. & Nolfi S. (2019). Moderate environmental variation across generations promotes the evolution of robust solutions. Artificial Life, 24 (4) 277-295. html
  13. Milano N., Pagliuca P. & Nolfi S. (2019). Robustness, evolvability and phenotypic complexity: insights from evolving digital circuits. Evolutionary Intelligence, (12) 1: 83-95. preprint
  14. Pagliuca P., Milano N. & Nolfi S. (2018). Maximizing adaptive power in neuroevolution. PLoS ONE 13(7): e0198788. html
  15. Nolfi S. (2018). Cooperation in collective systems. In T. Prescott, N. Lepora and P. J. Verschure (Eds.) Living Machines: A Handbook of Research in Biomimetics and Biohybrid Systems. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, pp. 411-421.
  16. Carvalho J., Milano N. and Nolfi S. (2018). Evolving Robust Solutions for Stochastically Varying Problems. Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). IEEE Press.
  17. Simeone L. and Nolfi S. (2017). Achieving long-term progress in competitive co-evolution. In D. Foegel and P. Bonissone (Eds.) Proceedings of IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence. IEEE Press.
  18. Milano N., Carvalho J. and Nolfi S. (2017). Environmental variations promotes adaptation in artificial evolution. In D. Foegel and P. Bonissone (Eds.) Proceedings of IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence. IEEE Press.
  19. Carvalho J. and Nolfi S. (2017). Favoring the Evolution of Adaptive Robots Through Environmental Differentiation. In D. Foegel and P. Bonissone (Eds.) Proceedings of IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence. IEEE Press.
  20. Carvalho J. and Nolfi S. (2017). Affordance generation enables behavioral plasticity and cognitive offloading in evolving robots. IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI). IEEE Press.
  21. André J.B., Nolfi S. (2016). Evolutionary robotics simulations help explain why reciprocity is rare in nature. Scientific Reports. 6:32785 pdf
  22. Simeone L., Nolfi S. (2016). The emergence of selective attention through probabilistic associations between stimuli and actions, PLoS ONE. 11(7): e0166174 pdf
  23. Milano N., Nolfi S. (2016). Robustness to faults promotes evolvability: Insights from evolving digital circuits, PLoS ONE. 11(7): e0158627 pdf
  24. Carvalho J.T., Nolfi S. (2016). Cognitive offloading does not prevent but rather promotes cognitive development, PLoS ONE. 11(8): e0160679. pdf
  25. Carvalho J.T., Nolfi S. (2016). Behavioural plasticity in evolving robots. Theory in Biosciences, 135 (4): 201-216. pdf
  26. Janssen R., Nolfi S., Haselager P, Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper I. (2016). Cyclic incrementality in competitive coevolution: Evolvability through pseudo-baldwinian switching genes. Artificial Life, (22) 3:319-351. pdf
  27. Lyon C., Nehaniv V., Sounders J., Belpaeme T., Bisio A., Fischer K., Forster F., Lehmann H., Metta G., Mahan V., Morse A., Nolfi S., Nolfi F., Rohlfing K., Sciutti A., Tani J., Wrede B., Zeschel A., and Cangelosi A. (2016). Embodied Language Learning and Cognitive Bootstrapping: Methods and Design Principles. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 13: 105. pdf
  28. Nolfi S., Bongard J., Husband P. & Floreano D. (2016). Evolutionary Robotics, in B. Siciliano and O. Khatib (eds.), Handbook of Robotics, II Edition. Berlin: Springer Verlag pdf
  29. Pagliuca P., Nolfi S. (2015). Integrating learning by experience and demonstration in autonomous robots. Adaptive Behavior, 1-15. pdf
  30. Lio P, Miglino O., Nicosia G., Nolfi S., Pavone M. (2015). Advances in artificial life: Synthesis and simulation of living systems, Artificial Life, 21 (4): 397-397.
  31. Simione L., Nolfi S. (2015). Selection-for-action emerges in neural networks trained to learn spatial associations between stimuli and actions. Cognitive Processing, 16 (1): 393-397 pdf
  32. Cangelosi A., Bongard J., M. H. Fisher, Nolfi S. (2015). Embodied Intelligence. In J. Kacprzyk and W. T. Pedrycz (Eds.). Springer Handbook of Computational intelligence. Berlin: Springer Verlag. pdf
  33. Morlino G., Gianelli C., Borghi A., Nolfi S. (2014). Learning to manipulate and categorize in human and artificial agents. Cognitive Science, (39) 1: 39-64 pdf
  34. Gigliotta O., Mirolli M., Nolfi S. (2014). Communication based dynamic role allocations in a group of homogeneous robots. Natural Computing 13: 391-402 pdf
  35. Haasdijk, E., Bredeche, N., Nolfi, S., Eiben, A.E. (2014). Evolutionary Robotics. Evolutionary Intelligence, 7 (2): 69-70 <
  36. Simione L., Nolfi S. (2014). The role of selective attention and action selection in the development of multiple action capabilities. Connection Science, 26 (4): 389-402 pdf
  37. Massera G., Ferrauto T., Gigliotta O., Nolfi S. (2014). Designing adaptive humanoid robots through the FARSA open-source framework. Adaptive Behavior, 22 (3):255-265 pdf
  38. Broz F., Nehaniv C.L., Belpaeme T., Bisio A., Dautenhahn K., Fadiga L., Ferrauto T., Fischer K., F. Förster, Gigliotta O., Griffiths S., Lehmann H., Lohan C.S., Lyon S., Marocco D., Massera G., Metta G., Mohan V., Morse A., Nolfi S., Nori F., Peniak M., Pitsch K., Rohlfing K.J., Sagerer G., Sato Y., Saunders J., Schillingmann L., Sciutti A., Tikhanoff V., Wrede B., Zeschel A., and Cangelosi A. (2014). The ITALK Project: A Developmental Robotics Approach to the Study of Individual, Social, and Linguistic Learning. Topics in Cognitive Science, 1-11 pdf
  39. Sperati V., Trianni V., Nolfi S. (2014). Mutual Information as a task-independent utility function for evolutionary robotics. In M. Prokopenko, (Ed.), Guided Self-Organization: Inception. Berlin: Springer. pdf
  40. Savastano P., Nolfi S. (2013). A Robotic Model of Reaching and Grasping Development. IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development,(5) 4: 326-336 pdf
  41. Petrosino G., Parisi D. Nolfi S. (2013). Selective attention enables action selection: evidence from evolutionary robotics experiments. Adaptive Behavior, 21(5):356-370 pdf
  42. Dorigo M., D. Floreano, L. M. Gambardella, F. Mondada, S. Nolfi, T. Baaboura, M. Birattari, M. Bonani, M. Brambilla, A. Brutschy, D. Burnier, A. Campo, A. L. Christensen, A. Decugniere, G. Di Caro, F. Ducatelle, E. Ferrante, A. Forster, J. Guzzi, V. Longchamp, S. Magnenat, J. Martinez Gonzales, N. Mathews, M. Montes de Oca, R. O-Grady, C. Pinciroli, G. Pini, P. Retornaz, J. Roberts, V. Sperati, T. Stirling, A. Stranieri, T. Stutzle, V. Trianni, E. Tuci, A. E. Turgut, and F. Vaussard (2013). Swarmanoid: A Novel Concept for the Study of Heterogeneous Robotic Swarms. IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, 20(4): 60-71. pdf
  43. De Greeff J., Nolfi S. (2013). Evolution of communications in robots. In P. Vargas, E. Di Paolo, I. Harvey and P. Husbands (Eds.) The Horizons for Evolutionary Robotics. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. pdf
  44. Nolfi S. (2013). Emergence of communication and language in evolving robots. In C. Lefebvre, B. Comrie and H. Cohen (Eds.). New Perspectives on the Origins of Language. John Benjamins Press, pp.533-554. pdf
  45. Massera G., Ferrauto T., Gigliotta O., and Nolfi S. (2013). FARSA: An open software tool for embodied cognitive science. In P. Lio', O. Miglino, G. Nicosia, S. Nolfi and M. Pavone (Eds.), Proceeding of the 12th European Conference on Artificial Life. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. pdf
  46. Nolfi S. (2012). Co-evolving predator and prey robots. Adaptive Behavior, 20 (1):10-15. pdf
  47. Morlino G., Giannelli C., Borghi A. and Nolfi S. (2012). Category learning through action: a study with human and artificial agents. Cognitive Processing, 13 (1): 47-48.
  48. Trianni V., Nolfi S. (2012). Evolving collective control, cooperation and distributed cognition. In S. Kernbach (Ed.) The Handbook of Collective Robotics - Fundamentals and Challenges, Pan Stanford Publishing, Singapore. pdf
  49. Savastano P and Nolfi S.(2012). Incremental learning in a 14 DOF simulated iCub robot: Modelling infant reach/grasp development. In T.T. Prescott, N.F. Lepora, A. Mura and P.F.M.J. Verschure (Eds.): Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems, Lectures Notes in Computer Sciences, 7375: 369-370. pdf
  50. Leugger T., Nolfi S. (2012). Action Development and integration in a humanoid iCub robot: How language exposure and self-talk facilitate action development. In COGNITIVE 2012, The Fourth International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications. IARIA. pdf
  51. Leugger T., Nolfi S. (2012). Action development and integration in an humanoid iCub robot. In T.T. Prescott, N.F. Lepora, A. Mura and P.F.M.J. Verschure (Eds.): Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems, Lectures Notes in Computer Sciences, 7375: 369-370. pdf
  52. Onofrio G.,Pezzulo G. Nolfi S. (2011). Evolution of a predictive internal model in an embodied and situated agent. Theory in Biosciences, vol. 130(4), pp. 259-276. pdf
  53. Tuci E., Ferrauto T., Zeschel A., Massera G., Nolfi S. (2011). An Experiment on behaviour generalisation and the emergence of linguistic compositionality in evolving robots, IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development, (3) 2: 176-189.pdf
  54. Uno R., Marocco D., Nolfi S., Ikegami T. (2011). Emergence of proto-sentences in artificial communicating systems, IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development, (3) 2: 146-153. pdf
  55. Sperati V., Trianni V., Nolfi S. (2011) Self-Organised Path Formation in a Swarm of Robots. Swarm Intelligence, 5:97-119. pdf
  56. Trianni V., Nolfi S. (2011). Engineering the evolution of self-organizing behaviors in swarm robotics: A case study. Artificial Life, 17(3):183-202. pdf
  57. Tuci E., Massera G., Nolfi S. (2011). On the Dynamics of Active Categorisation of Different Objects Shape through Tactile Sensors. In G. Kampis, I. Karsai and E. Szathmary (Eds.), Advances in Artificial Life, Darwin meets Von Neumann. Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL 2009). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5777, pp. 213-221. Berlin: Springer Verlag.
  58. Morlino G., Griffiths S. S., Schillingmann L., Nolfi S., Wrede B., Rohlfing K. (2011). Human and Artificial Agents Learning Categories in Interaction. International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems (ICCNS 2011), 11-14 May, Boston, USA. pdf
  59. Morlino G., Sterbini A., Nolfi S. (2011). Development of Abstract Categories in Embodied Agents. In G. Kampis, I. Karsai and E. Szathmary (Eds.), Advances in Artificial Life, Darwin meets Von Neumann. Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL 2009). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5777, pp. 213-221. Berlin: Springer Verlag. pdf
  60. Pezzulo G., Baldassarre G., Cesta A., Nolfi S. (2010). Research on cognitive robotics at the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, National Research Council of Italy. Cognitive Processing, 1-9. pdf
  61. Cangelosi A., Metta G., Sagerer G., Nolfi S., Nehaniv C, Fischer K., Tani J., Belpaeme T., Sandini G., Fadiga L., Wrede B., Rohlfing K., Tuci E., Dautenhahn K., Saunders J., Zeschel A. (2010). Integration of action and language knowledge: A roadmap for developmental robotics. IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development, (2) 3: 167-195. pdf
  62. Massera G., Tuci E., Ferrauto T., Nolfi S. (2010). The facilitatory role of linguistic instructions on developing manipulation skills, IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, (5) 3: 33-42. pdf
  63. Mirolli M., Ferrauto T., Nolfi S. (2010). Categorisation through evidence accumulation in an active vision system, Connection Science, (22) 4:331-354. (pdf)
  64. Tuci E., Massera G., Nolfi S. (2010). Active categorical perception of object shapes in a simulated anthropomorphic robotic arm, Transaction on Evolutionary Computation Journal, (14) 6: 885-899. pdf
  65. Mirolli M., Nolfi S. (2010). Evolving communication in embodied agents: Theory, methods, and evaluation. In S. Nolfi & M. Mirolli (Eds.), Evolution of Communication and Language in Embodied Agents. Berlin: Springer Verlag. pdf
  66. Nolfi S., Mirolli M. (2010). Evolving communication in embodied agents: Assessment and open challenges. In S. Nolfi & M. Mirolli (Eds.), Evolution of Communication and Language in Embodied Agents. Berlin: Springer Verlag. pdf
  67. De Greef J., Nolfi S. (2010). Evolution of implicit and explicit communication in a group of mobile robots. In S. Nolfi & M. Mirolli (Eds.), Evolution of Communication and Language in Embodied Agents. Berlin: Springer Verlag. pdf
  68. Nolfi S. & Gigliotta O.(2010). Evorobot*: A tool for running experiments on the evolution of communication. In S. Nolfi & M. Mirolli (Eds.), Evolution of Communication and Language in Embodied Agents. Berlin: Springer Verlag.
  69. Sperati V., Trianni V., Nolfi S. (2010). Evolution of self-organised path formation in a swarm of robots, in Dorigo M., Birattari M., Di Caro G.A., Doursat R., Engelbrecht A.P., Floreano D., Gambardella L.M., Gross R., Sahin E., Stutzle Th., and Sayama H. (eds), Proceedings of the 7th Internationa Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ANTS2010), Springer Verlag, Berlin Germany, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.6234, pp. 165-166. pdf
  70. Morlino G., Gianelli C., Borghi A.M. Nolfi S. (2010). Developing the Ability to Manipulate Objects: A Comparative Study with Humans and Artificial Agents, in Johansson B., Sahin E., Balkenius C. (eds), Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics, Lund University Cognitive Studies, pp. 169-170.pdf
  71. Trianni V., Nolfi S. (2010). Re-engineering evolution: A study in self-organising synchronisation, in Fellermann H., Dorr M., Hanczyc M., Ladegaard Laursen L., Maurer S., Merkle D., Monnard P.-A., Stoy K. and Rasmussen S (eds), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems (ALife XII), MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 561-568. pdf
  72. Tuci E., Ferrauto T., Massera G., Nolfi S. (2010). The Evolution of behavioural and linguistic skills to execute and generate two-word instructions in agents controlled by dynamical neural networks. Proceedings of the 12th Int. Conf. on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems (ALife XII), Odense (DK), Aug. 2010. pdf
  73. Tuci E., Ferrauto T., Massera G., Nolfi S. (2010). Co-development of linguistic and behavioural skills: compositional semantics and behaviour generalisation. Proceedings of the 11th Int. Conf. on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior (SAB2010), Paris, Aug. 2010. pdf
  74. Trianni T., Nolfi S. (2009). Self-organising sync in a robotic swarm: A dynamical system view. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 13(4): 722-741 pdf
  75. Baldassarre, G., Nolfi, S. (2009). Strengths and synergies of evolved and designed controllers: a study within collective robotics. Journal of Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 173, pp. 857-875, pdf
  76. Nolfi S. (2009). Adaptive behavior in embodied and situated agents. In Robert Meyers (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science. Springer Verlag. pp.2844-2859.
  77. Nolfi S. (2009). Behavior and cognition as a complex adaptive system: Insights from robotic experiments. In C Hooker (Ed.), Handbook of the Philosophy of Science. Volume 10: Philosophy of Complex Systems. General editors: Dov M. Gabbay, Paul Thagard and John Woods. Elsevier. pdf
  78. Ferrauto T., Tuci E., Mirolli M., Massera G., Nolfi S. (2009).Two examples of active categorisation processes distributed over time. In L. Cañamero, P-Y. Oudeyer & C. Balkenius (Eds.), Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics (Epirob09), Venice, Italy. pdf
  79. Tuci E., Massera G., Nolfi S. (2009). Active categorical perception in an evolved anthropomorphic robotic arm. IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), special session on Evolutionary Robotics. pdf
  80. Tuci E., Massera G., Nolfi S. (2009). On the dynamics of active categorisation of different objects shape through tactile sensors. Proceedings of the 10th European Conference of Artificial Life (ECAL 2009)pdf
  81. Morlino G., Sterbini A., Nolfi S. (2009).Development of Abstract Categories in Embodied Agents, 10th European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL 2009). pdf
  82. Mazzapioda M., Cangelosi A., Nolfi S. (2009).Evolving Morphology and Neural Controller: A Distributed Approach, in Proceeding of IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation, CEC2009, Trondheim (N), pp. 2217-2224.pdf
  83. Gigliotta O., Mirolli M., Nolfi S. (2009).Who is the leader? Dynamic role allocation through communication in a population of homogeneous robots, in M. Serra, M. Villani, I. Poli (eds.), Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation, Proceedings of Wivace 2008, World Scientific Publishing Co.
  84. Sperati V., Trianni V., and Nolfi S. (2008). Evolving coordinated group behaviour thorugh maximization of mean mutual information. Swarm Intelligence Journal, Special Issue on Swarm Robotics, vol. 2, num 2-4, pp. 73-95. pdf
  85. Nolfi S., Ikegami T., and Tani J. (2008). Behavior and Mind as a Complex Adaptive System, Adaptive Behavior, 16: 101-103.
  86. Miglino O., Gigliotta O., Ponticorvo M., Nolfi S. (2008). Breedbot: an evolutionary robotics application in digital content, The Electronic Library, vol. 26, n. 3, pp. 363-373.
  87. Gigliotta O., Nolfi S. (2008). On the Coupling Between Agent Internal and Agent/Environmental Dynamics: Development of Spatial Representations in Evolving Autonomous Robots, Adaptive Behavior, 16: 148-165, pdf
  88. Trianni V., Nolfi S., Dorigo M. (2008). Evolution, self-organisation and swarm robotics, in Blum C. and Merkle D (eds.), Swarm Intelligence. Introduction and Applications, Natural Computing Series, Berlin: Springer Verlag, pp. 163-192
  89. Floreano D., Husband P. & Nolfi S. (2008). Evolutionary Robotics, in Siciliano B., Oussama Khatib (eds.), Handbook of Robotics, Berlin: Springer Verlag, pp. 1423-1451, pdf
  90. Trianni V., Nolfi S. (2008). Self-organising Sync in a Robotic Swarm, in Kyamakya K. (ed.), Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Non-Linear Dynamics and Synchronization (INDS08), Aachen: Shaker Verlag, pp. 104-111. pdf
  91. Martius G., Nolfi S., Herrmann M. (2008). Emergence of interaction among adaptive agents. In M. Asada et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior (SAB'08), LNAI 5040. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.pdf
  92. Massera G., A. Cangelosi & S. Nolfi (2007). Evolution of Prehension Ability in an Anthropomorphic Neurorobotic Arm, Frontiers in Neurobotics, 1(4):1-9. pdf, electronic supplementary material
  93. Baldassarre G., Trianni V., Bonani M., Mondada F., Dorigo M. & Nolfi S. (2007). Self-organised coordinated motion in groups of physically connected robots. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 37(1):224-239. pdf
  94. Marocco D. & Nolfi S. (2007). Emergence of communication in embodied agents evolved for the ability to solve a collective navigation problem. Connection Science, 19(1):53-74. pdf
  95. Marocco D. & Nolfi S. (2007). Communication in Natural and Artificial Organisms Experiments in evolutionary robotics, in Lyon C., Nehaniv C., Cangelosi A. (eds.), Emergence of Communication and Language, Berlin: Springer Verlag, vol. XI, pp. 189-206.
  96. Zappacosta S., Nolfi S. & Baldassarre G. (2007). A testbed for neural-network models capable of integrating information in time, in Butz M.V., Sigaud O., Pezzulo G., Baldassarre G. (eds.), Anticipatory Behavior in Adaptive Learning Systems: From Brains to Individual and Social Behavior, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, vol. 4520, pp. 189-217. pdf
  97. Uno R., Marocco D., Nolfi S. & Ikegami T. (2007). Transition from Imperatives to Declaratives in Artificial Communicating Systems, Workshop Social Learning in Embodied Agents in 9th European Conference on Artificial Life, Lisbon, Portugal, September 10-14.
  98. Acerbi A., Marocco D., Nolfi S. (2007). Social facilitation on the development of foraging behaviours in a population of autonomous robots. In F.A. Costa, L.M. Rocha, E. Costa, I. Harvey, A. Coutinho (Eds). Advances in Artificial Life, Proceedings of the Ninth European Conference on Artificial Life. Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence, 4684: 575-584.
  99. Trianni V., Ampatzis C., Christensen A.L., Tuci E., Dorigo M. & Nolfi S. (2007). From solitary to collective behaviors: decision making and cooperation, in Costa F.A., Rocha L.M., Costa E., Harvey I., Coutinho A. (eds), Advances in Artificial Life, Proceedings of the Ninth European Conference on Artificial Life, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 4684, pp. 575-584. pdf - Electronic suppleMentary material
  100. Trianni V. & Nolfi S. (2007). Minimal communication strategies for self-organising synchronisation behaviours, in Proceedings of the First IEEE Symposium on Artificial Life, IEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ., pp. 199-206. pdf
  101. Miglino O., Gigliotta O., Ponticorvo M. & Nolfi S. (2007). Breedbot: An Edutainment Robotics System to Link Digital and Real World, in Apolloni B., Howlett R.J., Jain L. (eds.), KES 2007 / WIRN 2007, Part II, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer Verlag, vol. 4693, pp. 74-81. pdf
  102. Gigliotta O. & Nolfi S. (2007). Formation of spatial representations in evolving autonomous robots, in Proceedings of the First IEEE Symposium on Artificial Life, IEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ, pp. 171-178. pdf
  103. Acerbi A., Marocco D. & Nolfi S. (2007). Social facilitation on the development of foraging behaviours in a population of autonomous robots, in Costa F.A., Rocha L.M., Costa E., Harvey I., Coutinho A. (eds), Advances in Artificial Life, Proceedings of the Ninth European Conference on Artificial Life, Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence, vol. 4684, pp. 575-584. pdf
  104. Acerbi A. & Nolfi S. (2007). Social Learning and Cultural Evolution in Embodied and Situated Agents, in Proceedings of the First IEEE Symposium on Artificial Life, IEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ, pp. 333-340. pdf
  105. Gigliotta O., Cardaci M. & Nolfi S. (2007). Formazione di rappresentazioni spaziali dinamiche in robot mobili, in Atti di WIVACE 2007 - Workshop Italiano di Vita Artificiale e Computazione Evolutiva
  106. Baldassarre G., Parisi D. & Nolfi S. (2006). Distributed Coordination of Simulated Robots Based on Self-Organisation, Artificial Life, 12(3):289-311. pdf
  107. Nolfi S. (2006). Behaviour as a complex adaptive system: on the role of self-organization in the development of individual and collective behaviour. ComplexUs, 2 (3-4): 195-203. pdf
  108. Trianni V., Nolfi S. & Dorigo M. (2006). Cooperative hole-avoidance in a swarm-bot, Robotics & Autonomous Systems, 54 (2): 97-103.l pdf
  109. Parisi D. & Nolfi S. (2006). Sociality in embodied neural agents. In R. Sun (Ed.) Cognition and Multi-Agent Interaction: From Cognitive Modeling to Social Simulation. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp 328-354. pdf
  110. Marocco D. & Nolfi S. (2006). Origins of communication in evolving robots. In Nolfi S., Baldassarre G., Calabretta R., Hallam J., Marocco D., Miglino O., Meyer J-A, Parisi D. (Eds). From animals to animats 9: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behaviour. LNAI. Volume 4095. Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag. pdf
  111. Mazzapioda M.G.. & Nolfi S. (2006). Synchronization and gait adaptation in evolving hexapod robots. In Nolfi S., Baldassarre G., Calabretta R., Hallam J., Marocco D., Miglino O., Meyer J-A, Parisi D. (Eds). From animals to animats 9: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behaviour. LNAI. Volume 4095. Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag. pdf
  112. Marocco D. & Nolfi S. (2006). Emergence of communication in teams of embodied and situated agents. In Cangelosi, A. Smith A.D.M., Smith K. (Eds), Proceeding of the VI International Conference on the Evolution of Language, pp.198-205.pdf
  113. Marocco D. & Nolfi S. (2006). Emergence of communication in a team of autonomous robots: experiments in evolutionary robotics. In Rocha L. M. et al. (eds), Proceeding of the Tenth International Conference on Artificial Life, ALifeX. Boomington: MIT Press, pp. 199-205. pdf
  114. Mazzapioda M. & Nolfi S., (2006) Synchronization within homogeneous neural modules controlling a simulated hexapod robot. In Rocha L. M. et al. (eds), Proceeding of the Tenth International Conference on Artificial Life, ALifeX. Boomington: MIT Press, pp. 199-205. pdf
  115. Massera G., Cangelosi A. & Nolfi S. (2006), Developing a reaching behaviour in a simulated anthropomorphic robotic arm through an evolutionary technique. In Rocha L. M. et al. (eds), Artificial Life X: Proceeding of the Tenth International Conference on the simulation and synthesis of living systems, MIT Press, pp. 234-240. pdf
  116. Acerbi A. & Nolfi S. (2006). Trasmissibilità culturale di tratti discreti e continui, in Greco A. et al. (Eds.), Scienze cognitive e robotica: Atti del Terzo Convegno Nazionale AISC, Genova, Erga Edizioni, pp. 159 - 164
  117. Zappacosta S., Baldassarre G. & Nolfi S. (2006). Elman neural networks and time integration for object recognition. In Acerbi A., Giansante S., Marocco D. (Eds.), Atti del Terzo Workshop Italiano di Vita Artificiale (WIVA3) ( Electronic format ) . Siena: Centro Sistemi Complessi.
  118. Nolfi S. (2005). Emergence of Communication in Embodied Agents: Co-Adapting Communicative and Non-Communicative Behaviours. Connection Science, 17 (3-4): 231-248. pdf
  119. Mondada F., Gambardella L.M, Floreano D., Nolfi S., Deneubourg J.L. & Dorigo M. (2005).The Cooperation of Swarm-bots: Physical Interactions in Collective Robotics. IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, 12 (2):21-28. pdf
  120. Nolfi S. (2005). Categories formation in self-organizing embodied agents. In H. Cohen & C. Lefebvre (Eds), Handbook of Categorization in Cognitive Science, pp. 869-889.pdf
  121. Nolfi S. (2005). Behaviour as a complex adaptive system: On the role of self-organization in the development of individual and collective behaviour. In P. Bourgine, F. Képès, M. Schoenauer (Eds), Proceedings of the First European Conference on Complex Systems. Paris: Ecole Polytechnique.
  122. McPartland M., Nolfi S., Abbass H.A. (2005). Emergence of communication in competitive multi-agent systems: a pareto multi-objective approach. In H.G. Beyer, U.M. O'Reilly (Eds.): Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO-2005. New York: ACM Press, pp. 51-58.
  123. Dorigo M., Tuci E., Groß R., Halva Labella T., Nouyan S., Ampatzis C.,Debebourg J-L., Baldassarre G., Nolfi S., Mondada F., Floreano D. & Gambardella L. (2005). The SWARM-BOTS Project. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3342:31-44. pdf
  124. Massera G., Nolfi S. & Cangelosi A. (2005), Evolving a Simulated Robotic Arm Able to Grasp Objects, in A. Cangelosi et al. (eds). Modeling Languange, Cognition and Action: Proceeding of the Ninth Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop Progress in Neural Processing 16, Singapore: World Scientific. pdf
  125. Marocco D. & Nolfi S. (2005). Emergence of Communication in Embodied Agents: Co-Adapting Communicative and Non-Communicative Behaviours. In A. Cangelosi et al. (eds.), Modeling language, cognition and action: Proceedings of the 9th Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop. Progress in Neural Processing, 16. Singapore: World Scientific. pp. 165-174. pdf
  126. Gigliotta O., Caretti M., Shokur S. & Nolfi S. (2005). Toward a Person-Follower Robot. In A. Cesta (Ed.), Proceedings of the Second RoboCare Workshop. Roma: Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione, CNR. pdf
  127. Baldassarre G., Parisi D. & Nolfi S. (2005). Measuring coordination as entropy decrease in groups of linked simulated robots. Technical Report, Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, CNR, Roma, Italy. pdf
  128. Baldassarre G., Parisi D. & Nolfi S.(2005). Sciami di robot che esplorano un ambiente collinoso, Atti del II Workshop Italiano di Vita Artificiale, In Baldassarre G., Marocco D., Mirolli M. (eds.), Roma, CNR.
  129. Marocco D. & Nolfi S. (2005). Emergenza della comunicazione in robot mobili, In Baldassarre G., Marocco D., Mirolli M. (eds.), Atti del II Workshop Italiano di Vita Artificiale, Roma, CNR
  130. Massera G. & Nolfi S. (2005), Un Controllo Distribuito basato su Reti Neurali per il movimento di un robot esapodo, Atti del II Workshop Italiano di Vita Artificiale , Roma
  131. Mazzapioda M. & Nolfi S., (2005). Drosoph: A Biological approach to Body-Brain Co-Evolution , II Workshop italiano di Vita Artificiale, CNR, Roma
  132. Bianco R. & Nolfi S. (2004). Toward open-ended evolutionary robotics: evolving elementary robotic units able to self-assemble and self-reproduce. Connection Science, 4:227-248.pdf
  133. Bianco R. & Nolfi S. (2004). Evolving the neural controller for a robotic arm able to grasp objects on the basis of tactile sensors. Adaptive Behavior, 12(1):37-45.pdf
  134. Nolfi S. (2004). Evolutionary Robotics: Looking Forward. Connection Science, 4: 223-225.pdf
  135. Dorigo M., Trianni V., Sahin E., Gross R., Labella T. H., Baldassarre G., Nolfi S., Deneubourg J.-L., Mondada F., Floreano D. & Gambardella L. M. (2004). Evolving self-organizing behaviors for a swarmbot. Autonomous Robots, 17(2-3): 223-245. pdf
  136. Mondada F., Pettinaro G., Guigrard A., Kwee I., Floreano D., Denebourg J-L, Nolfi S., Gambardella L.M. & Dorigo M. (2004). Swarm-bot: A new distributed robotic concept. Autonomous Robots. vol. 17 (2-3), pp. 193-221. pdf
  137. Massera G., Nolfi S. & Cangelosi G. (2004). Evolving a simulated robotic arm to grasp objects. In A. Cangelosi et al. (eds.), Modeling language, cognition and action: Proceedings of the 9th Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop. Singapore: World Scientific
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  139. Trianni V., Nolfi S. & Dorigo M. (2004). Hole Avoidance: Experiments in coordinated motion on rough terrain. In F. Groen, N. Amato, A. Bonarini, E. Yoshida, and B. Krose (Eds), Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS8), pp. 29-36. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: IOS Press. pdf
  140. Baldassarre G., Parisi D. & Nolfi S. (2004). Coordination and behavior integration in cooperating simulated robots. In S. Schaal, A. Ijspeert, A. Billard, S. Vijayakumar, J. Hallam and J-A. Meyer (Eds.), From Animals to Animats 8: Proceedings of the VIII International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, pp. 385-394. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. pdf
  141. De Croon G., Nolfi S. & Postma E.O. (2004), Toward pro-active embodied agents: On the importance of neural mechanisms suitable to process information in time. Technical Report, Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, CNR, Roma, Italy. pdf
  142. Baldassarre, G., Parisi, D. & Nolfi, S. (2004). Coordinamento distribuito mediante auto-organizzazione, Atti della Seconda Conferenza Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Scienze Cognitive, Interaction Design Institute.
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  144. Nolfi S., Denebourg J-L, Floreano D., Gambardella L., Mondada F., Dorigo M. (2003). Swarm-Bots: Swarm of mobile robots able to self-assemble and self-organize. Ercim News, 53:25-26. pdf
  145. Baldassarre G., Nolfi S., Parisi D. (2003). Evolving mobile robots able to display collective behaviour. Artificial Life, 9: 255-267. pdf
  146. Cangelosi A., Nolfi S. & Parisi D. (2003), Artificial life models of neural development. In Kumar, S. and Bentley, P.J. (Eds). On Growth, Form, and Computers. Academic Press, London UK, pp.339-354. pdf
  147. Nolfi S., Baldassarre G., Marocco D. (2003). The importance of viewing cognition as the result of emergent processes occurring at different time scales. In K. Murase & T. Asakura (Eds.) Dynamic Systems Approach for Embodiment and Sociality, International Series on Advanced Intelligence, Volume 6, Magill, Australia: Advanced Knowledge International Press. pp. 43-56.
  148. Baldassarre G., Nolfi S. & Parisi D. (2003). Evolution of collective behavior in a team of physically linked robots. In S. Cagnoni et al. (eds.) Applications in Evolutionary Computing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Berlin: Springer Verlag, pp. 581-592. pdf
  149. Baldassarre G., Nolfi S. & Parisi D. (2003). Conformismo ed indipendenza sociale per il controllo di robot simulati in compiti collettivi. In Bellelli G. (ed.), Congresso nazionale della sezione di psicologia sperimentale, pp. 95-97.
  150. Baldassarre G., Nolfi S. & Parisi D. (2003). Metodi evolutivi per il controllo di gruppi di robot simulati: emergenza di ruoli dinamici di leader e follower. In Bellelli G. (ed.), Congresso nazionale della sezione di psicologia sperimentale, pp. 92-94.
  151. Marocco D. & Nolfi S. (2003). Percezione attiva: strategie senso-motorie per la discriminazione di oggetti, Atti del I Workshop Italiano di Vita Artificiale, Arcavacara di Rende (CS)
  152. Nolfi S. (2002). Evolving robots able to self-localize in the environment: The importance of viewing cognition as the result of processes occurring at different time scales. Connection Science, (14) 3:231-244. pdf
  153. Nolfi S. & Marocco D. (2002). Evolving robots able to visually discriminate between objects with different sizes. International Journal of Robotics and Automation, (17) 4:163-170. pdf
  154. Nolfi S. (2002). Power and Limits of Reactive Agents. Neurocomputing, 42:119-145. pdf
  155. Nolfi S. & Floreano D. (2002). Synthesis of autonomous robots through evolution. Trends in Cognitive Science,(6) 1, 31-37. pdf
  156. Miglino O. & Nolfi S. (2002). La psicologia degli automi. In: A. Borghi & T. Iachini (Eds.). Scienze della Mente. Bologna: Il Mulino. pp. 141-159. pdf
  157. Nolfi S. (2002). Evolution and Learning in neural networks. In M. A. Arbib (Ed.), Handbook of brain theory and neural networks, Second Edition. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 415-418. pdf
  158. Nolfi S. & Parisi D. (2002). Evolution of artificial neural networks. In M. A.Arbib (Ed.), Handbook of brain theory and neural networks, Second Edition. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp418-421. pdf
  159. Nolfi S. & Marocco D. (2002). Evolving robots able to integrate sensory-motor information over time. In R.J. Duro, J. Santos, M. Grana (eds.) Biologically Inspired Robot Behavior Engineering. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Verlag. pp 199- 214. pp199-214.
  160. Nolfi S. & Miglino O. (2002). Studying the emergence of grounded representations: exploiting the power and the limits of sensory-motor coordination. In James H. Fetzer (Ed.), Evolving Consciousness, Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp163-180.
  161. Nolfi S., Baldassarre G. & Marocco D. (2002). The importance of viewing cognition as the result of emergent processes occurring at different time scales. In T. Asakura and K. Murase (Eds.), Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Homan and Artificial Intelligence Systems. Fukui, Japan: Fukui University Press.
  162. Pettinaro C. G., Kwee I. W., Gambardella L. M., Mondada F., Floreano D., Nolfi S., Deneubourg J.L. & Dorigo M. (2002). Swarm Robotics: A Different Approach to Service Robotics, Proceedings of the International Symposium of Robotics (ISR 2002) pdf
  163. Mondada F., Pettinaro G.C., Kwee I., Guignard A., Gambardella L.M., Floreano D., Nolfi S., Deneubourg J.-L. & Dorigo M. (2002) SWARM-BOT: A Swarm of Autonomous Mobile Robots with Self-Assembling Capabilities. In C.K. Hemelrijk (ed.) Proceedings of the  International Workshop on Self-Organisation and Evolution of Social Behaviour. Zurich, Switzerland: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,pdf
  164. Sahin E., Labella T.H., Trianni V., Deneubourg J.-L., Rasse P, Floreano D., Gambardella L., Mondada F., Nolfi S., & Dorigo M., (2002). Swarm-bot: Pattern Formation in a Swarm of Self-Assembling Mobile Robots. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Hammamet, Tunisia, 2002 pdf
  165. Marocco D., Cangelosi A. & Nolfi S. (2002), The Role of Social and Cognitive Abilities in the Emergence of Communication: Experiments in Evolutionary Robotics. EPSRC/BBSRC International Workshop Biologically-Inspired Robotics Bristol. pp. 174-181, pdf
  166. Baldassarre G., Nolfi S. & Parisi D. (2002). Evolving mobile robots able to display collective behaviours. In C.K. Hemelrijk (ed.) Proceedings of the International Workshop on Self-Organisation and Evolution of Social Behaviour. Zurich, Switzerland: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. pp11-22. pdf
  167. Nolfi S. & Marocco D. (2002). Active perception: A sensorimotor account of object categorization. In B. Hallam, D. Floreano, J. Hallam, G. Hayes, J-A. Meyer (Eds.) From Animals to Animats 7. Proceedings of the VII International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 266-271. pdf
  168. Nolfi S. & Marocco D. (2001). Evolving robots able to integrate sensory-motor information over time. Theory in Biosciences, 120:287-310. pdf
  169. Nolfi S. (2001). Pianificazione e Robotica. In: E. Burattini, R. Cordeschi (Eds). L'Intelligenza Artificiale. Roma: Carocci Editore. pp.119-135. pdf
  170. Floreano D., Nolfi S. & Mondada F. (2001). Co-evolution and ontogenetic change in competing robots,In J.P.Mukesh, V.Honavar & K. Balakrishan (Eds.), Advances in Evolutionary Synthesis of Neural Networks. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 273-306.
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  175. Nolfi S. (2000). How learning and evolution interact: The case of a learning task which differs from the evolutionary task. Adaptive Behavior, (7) 2:231-236. pdf
  176. Nolfi S. & Miglino O. (2000). Dopo il computer la robotica? Implicazioni da un punto di vista educativo. Onde, 1: 24-30. pdf
  177. Calabretta R., Nolfi S., Parisi D. & Wagner G.P. (2000). An artificial life model for investigating the evolution of modularity. In Y. Bar-Yam (Ed.). Unifying Themes in Complex Systems. Perseus Book.
  178. Nolfi S. (2000). Dalle tartarughe virtuali ai robot giocattolo. In: O. Albanese, P. Migliorini, G. Pietrocola (Eds.). Apprendimento e Nuove Strategie Educative. Milano: Unicopli. pdf
  179. Nolfi S. & Marocco D. (2000). Evolving visually-guided robots able to discriminate between different landmarks. In: J-A Meyer, A. Berthoz, D. Floreano, H.L. Roitblat, and S.W. Wilson (eds.) From Animals to Animats 6. Proceedings of the VI International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. pp. 413-419, pdf,
  180. Nolfi S. & Spalanzani A. (2000). Learning and evolution: On the effects of directional learning. Artificial Life. Technical Report, Institute of Psychology, Rome pdf
  181. Tani J. & Nolfi S., (1999). Learning to Perceive the World as Articulated: An Approach for Hierarchical Learning in Sensory-Motor Systems. Neural Networks, 12:1131-1141. ps
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  183. Nolfi S. & Tani J. (1999). Extracting regularities in space and time through a cascade of prediction networks: The case of a mobile robot navigating in a structured environment. Connection Science, (11) 2:129-152. pdf
  184. Nolfi S. & Floreano D. (1999). Co-evolving predator and prey robots: Do ‘arm races’ arise in artificial evolution? Artificial Life, 4 (4), 311-335. pdf
  185. Nolfi S. (1999). Developing robots through artificial evolution. In: A. Loffler, F. Mondada, U. Ruckert (Eds.). Experiments with the Mini-Robot Khepera, Proceedings of the 1st International Khepera Workshop, Paderborn: Heinz Nixdorf Institute, pp.21-29.
  186. Nolfi S. & Parisi D. (1999). Exploiting the power of sensory-motor coordination. In: D. Floreano, J-D. Nicoud, F. Mondada (Eds.). Advances in Artificial Life, Proceedings of Firth European Conference on Artificial Life, Berlin: Springer Verlag, pp.173-182. pdf
  187. Nolfi S. (1998). Evolutionary Robotics: Exploiting the full power of self-organization. Connection Science, (10) 3-4, 167-183. pdf
  188. Nolfi S. (1998). Tackling the hard problems: Neural Network Perspectives on Cognition and Adaptive Robotics, Connection Science, (10) 3-4: 393-396.
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  192. Calabretta R., Galbiati R., Nolfi S. & Parisi, D. (1998). Diploid robots adapting to fast changing environments.In L. Niklasson, M. Bodén, & T. Ziemke (Eds.),ICANN 98 - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks. London, UK: Springer Verlag.
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  194. Nolfi, S. (1998). Adaptation as a more powerful than decomposition and integration: Experimental evidences from evolutionary robotics. In P. K. Simpson (Ed.), Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE’98), New York: IEEE Press, 141-146.
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  198. Nolfi S. & Floreano D. (1998). How co-evolution can enhance the adaptive power of artificial evolution: Implications for evolutionary robotics. In P. Husbands and J-A Meyer (Eds.), Proceedings of the First European Workshop on Evolutionary Robotics, Berlin: Springer Verlag, pp.22-38.
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  207. Nolfi S. & Parisi D. (1997). Neural networks in an artificial life perspective. In W.Gerstner, A.Germond, M.Hasler, and J.D.Nicoud (Eds.) Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN97). Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks. Berlin: Springer Verlag, pp. 733-738, pdf
  208. Calabretta, R., Galbiati, R., Nolfi, S., Parisi, D. (1997). Investigating the role of diploidy in simulated populations of evolving individuals. Electronic Proceedings of the 1997 European Conference on Artificial Life.
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  223. Miglino O., Calabretta R., Pagliarini L. & Nolfi S. (1995). La vita artificiale come strumento per la didattica delle scienze. Technical Report, Reparto Sistemi Neurali e Vita Artificiale, Istituto di Psicologia, Roma
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  227. Nolfi S. & Calabretta R. (1994). Processi di apprendimento in reti neurali artificiali: implicazioni per la neuro-riabilitazione. Rivista di Neurobiologia, Vol. 40, 5-6:483-487
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